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Hello, I apologize for not being able to help you resolve your issue in a timely manner, but this is definitely one of those unique situations that has caused us to not be able to get more information about your issue. That's why we are asking if you agree to let us do it remotely. Another option you can try is to use the web version for the time being, but when we asked you about this in an email, you indicated that you did not want to use the web version and you did not want to do it remotely, so we apologize for that. Have you tried the 2.2.36 version of the link I sent you in my email? It still doesn't work, right?
3 days ago
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Hello, do you mean you want equal spacing between these wires?[图片]
4 days ago
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By numbering the resistors R1.0, R1.1, R1.2, you have told EasyEDA that they are subparts of a multipart component (such as a resistor array). If your each of the individual resistor pins are each numbered 1 and 2 then they represent the same pins on the device and so all 3 resistors would be seen as being shorted together and hence to EasyEDA will appear to have more than one net name applied to pins having the same number. For a 3 resistor array of individually connected resistors, you would have to number the pins uniquely (i. e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). For a 3 resistor array with a common connection to all three resistors you would have to give one pin of each the same number (i.e. 1) and number the remaining pins uniquely (i.e. 2, 3, 4)
4 days ago
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Once you have learned these basics, then start doing your routing manually. That is next step in the learning phase. Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
4 days ago

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