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PRO ESP32 Ink screen MP3 radio reader

ESP32 Ink screen MP3 radio reader

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Public Domain

License: Public Domain



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Update time: 2023-10-11 02:24:51
Creation time: 2023-10-08 07:58:46


Copyright belongs to @甘草酸不酸

link: https://oshwhub.com/jie326513988/ESP32mi-ni-mo-shui-ping-MP3shou-



Develop Arduino with platformIO
Libraries used:

  • GxEPD2
  • U8g2_for_Adafruit_GFX
  • Adafruit_GFX_Library
  • ClosedCube_SHT31D
  • ESP32-A2DP
  • ESP8266Audio
  • RX8010SJ
  • SdFat
  • TJpg_Decoder
  • truetype_Arduino
  • ArduinoJson
  • arduino-audio-tools
  • Radio

Progress statement

Hardware description
1.54 Ink screen /ESP32-WROOM-32D 4MB
Maximum support 32G SD card, using the SdFat library
Mouse encoder and mouse button, long life, wheel design
The 3.5mm headphone jack can be used alone with the headphone and as a radio antenna, and can also be used with the USB charging port
Audio playback uses ES8311+NS4150, which is limited to board size and only provides mono
The radio uses the RDA5807M module
Adopts ultra-thin side cavity speaker 3520, 8ω
Clock chip RX8010, temperature and humidity chip SHT30
The clock uses button power & lithium dual power supply design
Add USB& lithium switching circuit, audio for another set of power supply does not connect to the battery, you need to weld charging chip to power supply
The limit size of the battery is 34x50x3mm, which is also the size used today, 303450
Sleep current 0.015ma, i.e. 15ua,

Software completion schedule
Weather (done)
Clock (done)
Custom dial (done)
Images are rendered in bmp or jgp and digital fonts are rendered in real time using ttf
ESP8266 and ESP32 versions are common
Music Player (done)
External + headphones support MP3, ACC, FLAC, Bluetooth only support MP3
Radio (done)
External + headphones
Both the 3.5mm port and USB port are available on the same day
Distribution network (done)
Setup (done)
File Manager (done)
Alarm clock (undone)
Reading & Pictures (undone)

Wire screen printing WFC0000CZ07, driver IC SSD1608/IL3829 (1.54 previously sold by the United States)
Wire screen printing HINK-E0154A05, driver IC SSD1608/IL3829



Here are Assembly guide
The screen baseboard must be welded to the right position, otherwise it will affect the assembly
Four self-tapping M1.0X5 screws are used for the housing and two self-tapping M1.0X5 screws are used for the battery compartment
The screen needs to be installed with a top block, which is first affixed to the PCB with double-sided tape
The button battery uses two AG0 in series, the shell passes through the tinned copper wire to cushion the battery (recommended stacking thickness), and then passes through the positive button battery pad of the PCB to weld


clock function power dissipation


Radio power dissipation



Play music power dissipation


Bluetooth power consumption


Bluetooth connection and  didn't play music power consumption

Design Drawing

Design Drawing

schematic diagram
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