OSHWLab posting Rules
The OSHWLab (hereafter referred to as "the Community") is dedicated to providing developers with a harmonious, cordial, positive, and high-quality content communication and learning platform. The community encourages developers to actively and enthusiastically publish valuable content and build an open-source ecosystem with us.
To ensure the good operation of the community, please strictly abide by the community posting rules. The community has the right to interpret the rules. If there is other malicious behavior, the rules are not included in the case, the administrator's processing prevails, while the relevant regulations will be added to the rules. If the community users have other comments or suggestions, welcome to give us to put forward, we will humbly accept, seriously!
(A) content published regulations
Community publishing content includes posts, replies, questions, and answers;
Community release content should be legal, compliance, content specifications see (b) community prohibited content;
Please ensure the completeness of the content, including content, topic, body, classification, and other information.
Please choose the corresponding category
the topic should clearly express the post, otherwise, the administrator has the right to modify the topic or delete the post;
Encourage everyone to reply to the post positively. The reply is the fruit of the posters' labor respect and encouragement. Please do not publish meaningless replies;
Reprinted content, please specify the origin. If the article or picture involved in copyright infringement, for malicious plagiarist will be penalized
(B) Community Prohibited Content
Content that is restricted or prohibited by any ordinance having the force of law, including but not limited to the following:
Those who oppose the basic principles of the Constitution
Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, or undermining national unity;
Damaging the honor and interests of the State
Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, or undermining national unity
Undermining the state's religious policy and promoting evil cults and feudal superstitions
Spreading rumors, disturbing social order, and undermining social stability;
Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terrorism or abetting crimes
Insulting or slandering others and infringing on their legal rights;
Inciting unlawful assembly, association, procession, demonstration, or gathering of people to disrupt social order;
Operate under the name of an illegal civic organization;
Contains content that is false, harmful, coercive, invasive of others' privacy, harassing, infringing, libelous, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise morally objectionable
Contains content that may prevent users from browsing properly
Contains other content that does not follow the rules of the community.
If you upload, publish, or transmit content containing the above violation of laws and regulations of the information or content, or infringe the legitimate rights and interests of any third party, you will be directly responsible for all the adverse consequences of the above. If this causes an unfavorable impact on us, you shall be responsible for eliminating the effects and compensate for all losses caused to us, including but not limited to property damages, damages to reputation lawyer's fees, and so on.
The final interpretation of these rules belongs to the OSHWLab.