Dactyl Manuform Single Column for 4 and 5 Row Keys
STDDactyl Manuform Single Column for 4 and 5 Row Keys
:Public Domain
Creation time:2023-10-01 11:10:50Update time:2023-11-18 09:05:18
What is this?
Flexible single-column Dactyl Manuform PCB with 4 and 5-row options for most Standard Handwired Dactyl Manuform builds (key spacing of 8 mm - 10 mm - measure this for your build before using this PCB).
These columns allow you to reduce your wiring needs for your build, and prevent mistakes by having the whole columns pre-wired.
Make the connections as follows:
- Order the panelized PCB (the 3rd PCB schematic in the project or panelize it yourself however you want) with a 0.6 mm thickness to allow flexion and fit the curvature requirements for most Dactyl Manuform build cases.
- Solder the following components on the PCB (or use the SMT Assembly service at JLCPCB to save time and effort):
- Kailh Hot-swap
- SOD-123 (1N4148) diodes
- SK6812 Mini-e LEDs
- Connect the power supply to the V marker on the PCB (only one needs to be connected per column, multiple options are provided for convenience)
- Connect the ground to the G marker on the PCB (only one needs to be connected per column, multiple options are provided for convenience).
- Connect the column matrix pin to the C marker on the PCB (only one needs to be connected per column, as 1 PCB represents 1 keyboard column, multiple options are provided for convenience)
- Connect each row matrix pin to each R marker on the PCB (1 connection to each row key, so 4 or 5 connections to 1 PCB, this should be based on the row alignment)
- If using the RGB Matrix:
- Connect the RGB data pin from your microcontroller to the DI marker on the top key of the PCB
- In each column PCB, the RGB data flows from top to bottom one key at a time; so, connect the DO of the bottom key of the PCB to the next column top or next key (you'll need to track the ordering in the firmware accordingly, this is generally the case for QMK, not sure about others).
The design is an extension of Dactyl Flex PCB by Janakasoft.
Should I use this?
If you understand the design and it seems right to you, go ahead; I am still undergoing my first build, and spend very little time on it, so I can't offer you any guarantees at this stage.
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