2x TMC2209 ESP32 CNC Controller
STD2x TMC2209 ESP32 CNC Controller
:GPL 3.0
This is a CNC controller. It has 2 TMC2209 stepper drivers. It can also control an RC servo as a Z axis. It runs FluidNC firmware.
It is primarily designed for pen drawing machines or 2 axis lasers.
- Built in ESP32 Module
- USB-C Connection
- (2) TMC2209 stepper drivers with firmware control via UART
- Can use stallguard for sensorless end stops
- (6) inputs
- (3) 5V outputs to control lasers, and accessories.
- (1) RC servo connection
- I/O Expansion port for displays and pendants. Can also use first (2) I/O pins of standard CNC I/O modules.
- SD Card socket.
- Click on the edit links next to the schematic and layout images (typically broken images, come on EasyEDA)
- Download the pinout diagram in the attachements section.
Design Drawing


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