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STD FluidNC Pen Laser TMC2209 Drivers

FluidNC Pen Laser TMC2209 Drivers

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GPL 3.0

License: GPL 3.0



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Cloned from FluidNC Pen/Laser TMC2209 Chips

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Update time: 2023-11-09 01:16:40
Creation time: 2022-05-25 18:51:26


This is a CNC controller. It has 2 TMC2209 stepper drivers. It can also control an RC servo as a Z axis. It runs FluidNC firmware on a ESP32 module.

It is primarily designed for pen drawing machines or 2 axis lasers.


- (2) TMC2209 stepper drivers with firmware control via UART
- Can use stallguard for sensorless end stops
- (6) inputs
- (3) 5V outputs to control lasers, and accessories.
- (1) RC servo connection
- SD Card socket.





- Click on the edit links next to the schematic and layout images (typically broken images, come on EasyEDA)

- Download the pinout diagram in the attachements section. 


Buying from Tindie


Single PCB assemblies are typically available from Tindie

Buying from JLCPCB

You need to buy the following mating connectors from LCSC

 - (2) Cixi Kefa Elec KF2EDGK-3.5-4P (For Stepper Motors)

 - (2) Cixi Kefa Elec KF2EDGK-2.54-8P

 - (1) Cixi Kefa Elec KF2EDGK-2.54-4P

 - (1) Power Input XY2500F-A-5.0-2P LCSC P/N C504904 (For Power)


You also need a ESP32 Module in the 2x19 format ESP32-DevKitC 


Alternate Parts


D1 C134461


Here is a video on how to order.

Design Drawing

Design Drawing

schematic diagram
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity Contributor
1 100nF C1,C2,C9,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15,C17,C18,C19,C20,C25,C26,C29,C30 C0402 17 GCM155R71C104KA55D
2 47uF C3,C4 C0805 2 CL21A476MQYNNNE
3 2.2uF C5,C6 C0805 2 CS2012X5R225K500NRE
4 39pF C7 C0402 1 CC0402JRNPO9BN390
5 6.8nF C8 C0402 1 0402B682K500NT
6 XY308-2.54-8P CN1,TB3 CONN-TH_XY308-2.54-8P 2 XY308-2.54-8P
7 B560C-13-F D1 SMC_L7.1-W6.2-LS8.1-RD 1 B560C-13-F
8 Header-Male-2.54_1x3 J1 HDR-TH_3P-P2.54-V-M-1 1 Header-Male-2.54_1x3
9 10uH L1 IND-SMD_L7.1-W6.6 1 PSPMAA0603-100M-ANF
10 SZYY0805G LED1 LED0805-R-RD 1 SZYY0805G
11 Mounting Hole 3.5 MH1,MH2,MH3,MH4 MOUNTING HOLE 3.5 4 Mounting Hole 3.5
12 1kΩ R1,R2,R3,R4,R24 R0402 5 0402WGF1001TCE
13 4.02K R5 R0603 1 RC0603FR-074K02L 4.02kΩ
14 10kΩ R6,R7,R8,R9,R29,R30,R31,R32,R20,R21,R22,R23 R0402 12 0402WGF1002TCE
15 270kΩ R10 R0402 1 RC-02W2703FT
16 13kΩ R11 R0402 1 0402WGF1302TCE
17 100kΩ R12 R0402 1 0402WGF1003TCE
18 51kΩ R13 R0402 1 0402WGF5102TCE
19 100Ω R14,R15,R16,R17,R18,R19 R0402 6 0402WGF1000TCE
20 TF-01A SD1 TF-SMD_TF-01A 1 TF-01A
21 XY308-2.54-4P TB2 CONN-TH_XY308-2.54-4P 1 XY308-2.54-4P
22 XY2500R-B-5.00-2P TB6 CONN-TH_2P-P5.00_XY2500R-B-5.00-2P 1 XY2500R-B-5.00-2P
23 74AHCT125T14-13 U1 TSSOP-14_L5.0-W4.4-P0.65-LS6.4-BL 1 74AHCT125T14-13
24 TPS54360DDAR U2 SOIC-8_L5.0-W4.0-P1.27-LS6.0-BL-EP2.0 1 TPS54360DDAR
25 10uF C16 C0805 1 CL21A106KAYNNNE
26 100uF C21,C22 CAP-SMD_BD6.3-L6.6-W6.6-LS7.2-FD 2 FZ100UF35V90RV0145
27 22nF C23,C24 C0402 2 0402B223K500NT
28 4.7uF C27,C31 C0603 2 CL10A475KO8NNNC
29 B340A-13-F D2 SMA_L4.4-W2.6-LS5.0-RD 1 B340A-13-F
30 2.54-1*19P母 H1 HDR-TH_19P-P2.54-V-F 1 2.54-1*19P母
31 ESP32-S2-LEFT H2 HDR-TH_19P-P2.54-V-F 1 ESP32-S2-LEFT
32 ESP32-S2-RIGHT H3 HDR-TH_19P-P2.54-V-F 1 ESP32-S2-RIGHT
33 0.11Ω R25,R26,R27,R28 R1206 4 1206W4J011KT5E
34 KF2EDGR-3.5-4P TB4,TB5 CONN-TH_4P-P3.50_KF2EDGR-3.5-4P 2 KF2EDGR-3.5-4P
35 TMC2209-LA U3,U4 QFN-28_L5.0-W5.0-P0.50-BL-EP 2 TMC2209-LA


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