obstacle avoiding car
STDobstacle avoiding car
:Public Domain
The project is based on the theme of avoiding road accidents. The main focus of this project was kept over the view of avoiding the obstacles using automations.
Components used:
1. One Arduino UNO
2. One Ultrasonic sensor(HC-SR04)
3. One dual H bridge motor driver
4. A 9V battery
5. Two geared DC motors and wheels.
The sensor will detect the objects which are at a distance of 20m or less and on that basis the wheels will move forward or backward. The power supply needs to be automated for the Arduino UNO to do its work after the code is uploaded in the Arduino.
The schematic design:
The PCB design outlet:
Bottom copper layer
Top Copper Layer
PCB 3D view
The project is still ongoing and many modifications are needed to make it error free. It's my first project . If some suggestions are given that would be helpful. Thanks.
Design Drawing
Project Members