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STD STM32 Cheap-STM-Link

License: MIT

Mode: Editors' pick

Cloned from Cheap-Link

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Update time: 2022-09-12 11:04:20
Creation time: 2020-06-28 04:45:20
Features: - SWD-only, 3.3V-only targets - PCB layout compatible with ST-Link - both 3.3V and 5V power supply to target - 5V USB is protected from target's 5V - Compact form-factor - Pain-in-the-* 0402 capacitors In case of failure (or low voltage on 5V pin) at first check following: - Fuse - AO3401A FET Manual assebly order: - Top layer: 100nf bypass caps, then MCU, resistors/caps, BJT/FET, LEDs - Bottom layer: resistors/caps, LEDS
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Manufacturer BOM_Manufacturer Part BOM_Supplier Part
1 20pF C1,C2 C0402 2 LCSC FH 0402CG200J500NT C1554
2 100nF C3,C5,C6,C8,C9 C0402 5 LCSC MuRata GRM155R61A104KA01D C76997
3 10uF C4 C0603 1 LCSC SAMSUNG CL10A106MQ8NNNC C1691
4 22uF C7 C0603 1 LCSC YAGEO CC0603MRX5R5BB226 C109448
5 1uF C10 C0603 1 LCSC SAMSUNG CL10A105KO8NNNC C1592
6 ESD5305F-6/TR D1 SOT-23-6_L2.9-W1.6-P0.95-LS2.8-BR 1 LCSC WEIER ESD5305F-6/TR C136137
7 S8B-ZR-3.4(LF)(SN) DEBUG_OUT CONN-TH_8P-P1.50_S8B-ZR-3.4-LF-SN 1 LCSC JST Sales America S8B-ZR-3.4(LF)(SN) C160735
8 BL-HB336G-TRB LED,LED1 LED0603-RD 2 LCSC BrtLed BL-HB336G-TRB C138541
9 DMMT5401-7-F Q1 SOT-23-6_L2.9-W1.6-P0.95-LS2.8-BR 1 LCSC DIODES DMMT5401-7-F C154733
10 MMBT2222ALT1G Q2 SOT-23-3_L2.9-W1.3-P1.90-LS2.4-BR 1 LCSC ON MMBT2222ALT1G C82460
11 AO3401A Q3 SOT-23_L2.9-W1.3-P1.90-LS2.4-BR 1 LCSC AOS AO3401A C15127
12 1.5kΩ R3 R0603 1 LCSC UniOhm 0603WAF1501T5E C22843
13 100K R4 R0603 1 LCSC RALEC RTT03104JTP C103211
14 100Ω R5,R9,R10,R19,R20 R0603 5 LCSC Guangdong Fenghua Advanced Tech RS-03K1000FT C115420
15 47kΩ R6,R7 R0603 2 LCSC RALEC RTT034702FTP C103657
16 10K R8 R0603 1 LCSC RALEC RTT031002FTP C103199
17 4.7K R12,R14,R21 R0603 3 LCSC RALEC RTT03472JTP C103662
18 1kΩ R13,R15 R0603 2 LCSC RALEC RTT031001FTP C103198
19 10kΩ R16 R0603 1 LCSC RALEC RTT031002FTP C103199
20 22Ω R17 R0603 1 LCSC FH RS-03K220JT C96423
21 36kΩ R18 R0603 1 LCSC Guangdong Fenghua Advanced Tech RS-03K363JT C294659
22 2.7K R22 R0603 1 LCSC UniOhm 0603WAF2701T5E C13167
23 SE8117T33HF U2 SOT-223-3_L6.5-W3.4-P2.30-LS7.0-BR 1 LCSC SEAWARD SE8117T33HF C115002
24 0438002.WR U3 F0603 1 LCSC Littelfuse 0438002.WR C99545
25 S2B-ZR (LF)(SN) U4 CONN-TH_S2B-ZR-LF-SN 1 LCSC JST Sales America - C157930
27 8MHz X1 OSC-TH_L10.0-W4.5-P5.00 1 LCSC YXC X49SD8MSD2SC C21263
28 STM32F103C8T6 U1 LQFP-48_48P-L7.0-W7.0-P0.50-LS9.7-BL 1 LCSC ST STM32F103C8T6 C8734


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