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STD HP-85 Flatcable Connector IO

HP-85 Flatcable Connector IO

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Update time: 2024-11-14 09:55:37
Creation time: 2024-08-18 12:32:38


The HP-85 connector board is a vital component designed to replace the fragile flat cable that connects the mainboard to the IO board within the historic HP-85 computer. This vintage personal computer, renowned for its compact design and pioneering features, often suffers from deterioration in its delicate flat cable over time. The connector board offers a reliable and durable solution to this common problem, ensuring seamless communication between the two crucial components.

By replacing the original flat cable with this connector board, users can significantly extend the lifespan of their HP-85 computer. The board features a robust connector design that provides a secure and reliable connection, minimizing the risk of intermittent failures or data loss. Additionally, the connector board is typically designed to be easy to install, requiring minimal technical expertise. This makes it accessible to both experienced technicians and DIY enthusiasts who wish to preserve and restore their classic HP-85 systems.

The connector board for the HP-85 computer is an essential tool for anyone who owns or restores this iconic machine. It offers a practical and cost-effective solution to a common hardware issue, ensuring the continued functionality and longevity of this beloved vintage computer. By investing in this replacement component, users can safeguard their HP-85's legacy and continue to enjoy its unique capabilities for years to come.

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity Manufacturer Part Manufacturer Supplier
1 IDC Box 2X20 2mm CN1 IDC-TH_IDCBOX2X202MM 1 2.0-2*20P弯简牛 BOOMELE(博穆精密) LCSC C9134
2 Header-Male-2.54_1x20 J1,J2 HDR-TH_20P-P2.54-V-M-1 2 2.54-1*20P直针 BOOMELE(博穆精密) LCSC C50981


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