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STD ATtiny814 Power Analyzer

ATtiny814 Power Analyzer

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Update time: 2022-05-10 05:47:30
Creation time: 2020-03-14 19:14:53


# Power Supply Analyzer with USB Interface based on ATtiny814 The Power Analyzer is a programmable electronic constant current dummy load with two high side voltage and current sensors for an automatic analysis of power supplys, DC/DC converters, voltage regulators, batteries, chargers, power consumers and others. The device can be controlled via USB serial interface using a serial monitor or the provided Python skripts. Data can be exported to spread sheet programs or directly be analyzed by the Python skript. - Project Video (YouTube): https://youtu.be/q4-aywmeqHs - Firmware (Github): https://github.com/wagiminator/ATtiny814-Power-Analyzer ![pic1.jpg](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wagiminator/ATtiny814-Power-Analyzer/master/documentation/PowerAnalyzer_pic1.jpg) # Hardware The electronic load control circuit, which essentially consists of an operational amplifier, a MOSFET and a shunt resistor, ensures that the same current flows regardless of the voltage applied. ![PowerAnalyzer_wiring.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wagiminator/ATtiny814-Power-Analyzer/master/documentation/PowerAnalyzer_wiring.png) For this purpose, a 100mΩ shunt consisting of three 300mΩ resistors in parallel for proper heat dissipation is located in the load circuit, via which the current is measured. The [LMV321](https://www.onsemi.com/pdf/datasheet/lmv321-d.pdf) rail-to-rail OpAmp compares this with the target value, which is specified by the ATtiny's internal digital to analog converter (DAC) via a voltage divider and accordingly controls the gate of an [IRL540N](https://datasheet.lcsc.com/lcsc/1808281632_Infineon-Technologies-IRL540NPBF_C111607.pdf) logic level power MOSFET, which in turn adjusts the current through its internal resistance set in this way. Voltage and current are measured via a high side 8mΩ shunt resistor connected to an [INA219](https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/ina219.pdf) with a resolution of 4mV/1mA. A second INA219 is connected to another 8mΩ shunt resistor between the PWR-IN and PWR-OUT terminal. The INA219 is a current shunt and power monitor with an I²C-compatible interface. The device monitors both shunt voltage drop and bus supply voltage, with programmable conversion times and filtering. A programmable calibration value, combined with an internal multiplier, enables direct readouts of current in amperes. The selected shunt resistance of 8mΩ enables both a very small influence on the circuit and a measurement with a resolution of 1mA. For an accurate measurement, a shunt resistor with a low tolerance (1% or better) should be selected. The Power Analyzer is connected via USB to a PC or a RaspberryPi. Commands to the Analyzer can be sent via a serial monitor or by the GUI-based Python skript. The Analyzer has different built-in automatic test algorithms. The collected data is sent back via the serial interface/USB to the PC/RaspberryPi. The ATtiny814 constantly measures power and temperature of the heatsink. It controls the fan and cuts off the load when the temperature gets too hot. ![PowerAnalyzer_block.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wagiminator/ATtiny814-Power-Analyzer/master/documentation/PowerAnalyzer_block.png) # Software ## Load Control via DAC The ATtiny814 controls the electronic dummy load with its internal digital to analog converter (DAC). All of its 5 internal reference voltages are being used in order to get the maximum accuracy and resolution of the DAC. The DAC is connected to an OpAmp which acts as a unity gain amplifier controlling the resistance of the MOSFET. ```c // DAC reference voltages (load current = DAC voltage * R16 / (R15 + R16) / R_SHUNT) // Reference voltages: 0.55V, 1.1V, 1.5V, 2.5V, 4.3V const uint8_t DACREF[] = {0x00, 0x01, 0x04, 0x02, 0x03}; // CTRLA.DAC0REFSEL values const uint16_t DACCUR[] = { 717, 1434, 1956, 3260, 5608}; // max current in mA uint8_t DACreference = 0; // start with 0.55V reference // Setup the digital to analog converter (DAC) void DAC_init(void) { VREF_CTRLB |= VREF_DAC0REFEN_bm; // enable DAC reference _delay_us(25); // wait for Vref to start up pinDisable(DAC_PIN); // disable digital input buffer DAC0.CTRLA = DAC_ENABLE_bm // enable DAC | DAC_OUTEN_bm; // enable output buffer } // Set the lowest reference voltage possible for the DAC to meet the load current void DAC_setReference(uint16_t current) { DACreference = 0; if(current > DACCUR[4]) current = DACCUR[4]; while(current > DACCUR[DACreference]) DACreference++; DAC0.DATA = 0; VREF_CTRLA &= 0xf8; VREF_CTRLA |= DACREF[DACreference]; _delay_us(25); } // Set the DAC within the selected reference to the specified load current void DAC_set(uint16_t current) { if(current > 5000) current = 5000; if(current > DACCUR[DACreference]) DAC0.DATA = 255; else DAC0.DATA = (uint32_t)255 * current / DACCUR[DACreference]; } // Set the DAC and its reference to the specified load current void DAC_setLoad(uint16_t current) { DAC_setReference(current); // set suitable voltage reference DAC_set(current); // set DAC according to desired load } // Reset the load to minimum void DAC_resetLoad(void) { DAC_setLoad(0); // reset the load to minimum } ``` ## Parsing Commands via UART Commands sent via the USB-to-serial converter are stored in a 16-byte command buffer. This is done via interrupts so that load and fan control, for example, can continue to run in parallel. As soon as a command has been completely received, the CMD_compl flag is set. The parser then extracts the command and the arguments. ```c // UART definitions and macros #define UART_BAUD 115200 #define UART_BAUD_RATE 4.0 * F_CPU / UART_BAUD + 0.5 #define UART_ready() (USART0.STATUS & USART_DREIF_bm) // UART command buffer and pointer #define CMD_BUF_LEN 16 // command buffer length volatile uint8_t CMD_buffer[CMD_BUF_LEN]; // command buffer volatile uint8_t CMD_ptr = 0; // buffer pointer for writing volatile uint8_t CMD_compl = 0; // command completely received flag // UART init void UART_init(void) { pinOutput(TXD_PIN); // set TX pin as output USART0.BAUD = UART_BAUD_RATE; // set BAUD USART0.CTRLA = USART_RXCIE_bm; // enable RX interrupt USART0.CTRLB = USART_RXEN_bm // enable RX | USART_TXEN_bm; // enable TX } // UART transmit data byte void UART_write(uint8_t data) { while(!UART_ready()); // wait until ready for next data USART0.TXDATAL = data; // send data byte } // UART RXC interrupt service routine (read command via UART) ISR(USART0_RXC_vect) { uint8_t data = USART0.RXDATAL; // read received data byte if(!CMD_compl) { // command still incomplete? if(data != '\n') { // not command end? CMD_buffer[CMD_ptr] = data; // write received byte to buffer if(CMD_ptr ' ') argument1 = argument1 * 10 + CMD_buffer[i++] - '0'; while(CMD_buffer[i] == ' ') i++; while(CMD_buffer[i] != 0) argument2 = argument2 * 10 + CMD_buffer[i++] - '0'; CMD_compl = 0; } ``` ## Compiling and Uploading the Firmware ### If using the Arduino IDE - Open your Arduino IDE. - Make sure you have installed [megaTinyCore](https://github.com/SpenceKonde/megaTinyCore). - Go to **Tools -> Board -> megaTinyCore** and select **ATtiny1614/1604/814/804/414/404/214/204**. - Go to **Tools** and choose the following board options: - **Chip:** ATtiny1614 or ATtiny814 - **Clock:** 20 MHz internal - Leave the rest at the default settings. - Connect your programmer to your PC and to the UPDI header on the board. - Go to **Tools -> Programmer** and select your UPDI programmer. - Go to **Tools -> Burn Bootloader** to burn the fuses. - Open the sketch and click **Upload**. ### If using the makefile (Linux/Mac) - Connect your [programmer](https://github.com/wagiminator/AVR-Programmer) (jtag2updi or SerialUPDI) to your PC and to the UPDI header on the board. - Download [AVR 8-bit Toolchain](https://www.microchip.com/mplab/avr-support/avr-and-arm-toolchains-c-compilers) and extract the sub-folders (avr, bin, include, ...) to /software/tools/avr-gcc. To do this, you have to register for free with Microchip on the download site. - Open the makefile and set the programmer and port (default is serialupdi on /dev/ttyUSB0). - Open a terminal. - Navigate to the folder with the makefile and the sketch. - Run "make install" to compile, burn the fuses and upload the firmware. # Operating Instructions The device can be operated in two ways: - Using a serial monitor: Test algorithms can be started by sending the corresponding command via a serial monitor. The collected data will be displayed in the serial monitor and can be exported to a spread sheet program for further analysis. - Using the GUI-based python application: This is the easy way. Everything should be self-explanatory. All following example pictures are created by this application. ## **Load Test** ![PowerAnalyzer_block_load.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wagiminator/ATtiny814-Power-Analyzer/master/documentation/PowerAnalyzer_block_load.png) - Command: "l *maxloadcurrent[mA: 17..5000]* *minloadvoltage[mV: 0..26000]*" - Example: "l 2500 4200" - The Power Analyzer continuously increases the load from 17 mA up to *maxloadcurrent*. It stops automatically if the voltage drops below *minloadvoltage*. It continuously transmits the measured values via the serial interface in the format: current[mA] voltage[mV] power[mW] (seperated by the SEPERATOR string). ![PowerAnalyzer_chart_load.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wagiminator/ATtiny814-Power-Analyzer/master/documentation/PowerAnalyzer_chart_load.png) ## **Voltage Regulation Test** ![PowerAnalyzer_block_regulation.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wagiminator/ATtiny814-Power-Analyzer/master/documentation/PowerAnalyzer_block_regulation.png) - Command: "g *maxloadcurrent[mA: 17..5000]*" - Example: "g 3000" - The Power Analyzer changes rapidly the load between 17 mA and *maxloadcurrent*. It continuously transmits the measured values via the serial interface in the format: time[ms] current[mA] voltage[mV] (seperated by the SEPERATOR string). ![PowerAnalyzer_chart_regulation.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wagiminator/ATtiny814-Power-Analyzer/master/documentation/PowerAnalyzer_chart_regulation.png) ## **Efficiency Test** ![PowerAnalyzer_block_efficiency.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wagiminator/ATtiny814-Power-Analyzer/master/documentation/PowerAnalyzer_block_efficiency.png) - Command: "e *maxloadcurrent[mA: 17..5000]* *minloadvoltage[mV: 0..26000]*" - Example: "e 4000 2500" - The Power Analyzer continuously increases the load from 17 mA up to *maxloadcurrent*. It stops automatically if the voltage at TEST-IN drops below *minloadvoltage*. It continuously transmits the measured values via the serial interface in the format: current[mA] voltage[mV] efficiency[% * 10] (seperated by the SEPERATOR string). ![PowerAnalyzer_chart_efficiency.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wagiminator/ATtiny814-Power-Analyzer/master/documentation/PowerAnalyzer_chart_efficiency.png) ## **Battery Discharge Test** ![PowerAnalyzer_block_battery.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wagiminator/ATtiny814-Power-Analyzer/master/documentation/PowerAnalyzer_block_battery.png) - Command: "b *maxloadcurrent[mA: 17..5000]* *minloadvoltage[mV: 0..26000]*" - Example: "l 1000 2700" - The Power Analyzer sets a constant current load of *maxloadcurrent*. If the voltage drops below *minloadvoltage* it constantly decreases the load to maintain *minloadvoltage*. It stops automatically if the load current drops to 0mA. It continuously transmits the measured values via the serial interface in the format: time[s] current[mA] voltage[mV] capacity[mAh] (seperated by the SEPERATOR string). ![PowerAnalyzer_chart_battery.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wagiminator/ATtiny814-Power-Analyzer/master/documentation/PowerAnalyzer_chart_battery.png) ## **Long-Term Multimeter** ![PowerAnalyzer_block_multimeter.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wagiminator/ATtiny814-Power-Analyzer/master/documentation/PowerAnalyzer_block_battery.png) - Command: "m *interval[ms: 2..65535]* *duration[s: 1..65535]*" - Example: "m 18000 18000" - The Power Analyzer measures voltage, current and power delivered to the test device at every *interval* for a total of *duration*. It continuously transmits the measured values via the serial interface in the format: time[ms] current[mA] voltage[mV] (seperated by the SEPERATOR string). ![PowerAnalyzer_chart_multimeter.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wagiminator/ATtiny814-Power-Analyzer/master/documentation/PowerAnalyzer_chart_multimeter.png) ## **Commands for Direct Control** |Command|Function| |-|-| |"i"|transmits indentification string ("Power Analyzer")| |"v"|transmits firmware version number| |"x"|terminate current test program| |"s *loadcurrent[mA]*"|set load to a constant current of *loadcurrent*| |"r"|reset the load to minimum| |"t"|read current and voltage of both sensors and transmit them| # Notes - Use a good heatsink with a 5V fan for the MOSFET! Attach a 10K 3950B NTC thermistor to the heatsink close to the MOSFET! - Be careful with high power loads! Make some tests to figure out what can be achieved with your cooling solution! - Due to the limitations of the cheap OpAmp and the internal DAC the minimum load current is around 17mA. You can choose a better OpAmp if you like (must have same pinout, must be rail-to-rail and unity gain stable), but for most cases this is not necessary. - The maximum load current is 5A, however for small voltages it might be less. - The maximum PWR-IN/PWR-OUT current is 8A. - Do not exceed the maximum voltage of 26V on all connectors ! - In order to make the design much simpler all connectors including USB share a common ground. Keep this in mind when making your test setup in order to avoid ground loops or shorts. Using a [USB isolator](https://github.com/wagiminator/ADuM3160-USB-Isolator) between the Analyzer and your PC is not a bad idea! - The CH330N can be replaced with a CH340N. Windows users may need to install a [driver](http://www.wch.cn/download/CH341SER_ZIP.html). This is not necessary for linux users. - You need a UPDI programmer for uploading the firmware. You can find one in my [projects](https://github.com/wagiminator/AVR-Programmer) or you can easily build one following this [guide](https://github.com/SpenceKonde/AVR-Guidance/blob/master/UPDI/jtag2updi.md). - The Python skript was only tested on Linux, but it should also work on other operating systems. # License ![license.png](https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/3.0/88x31.png) This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Supplier Part BOM_Manufacturer Part
1 LMV321 U3 SOT-23-5_L3.0-W1.7-P0.95-LS2.8-BL 1 LCSC C248567 LMV321B-TR
2 CH330N U2 SOP-8_150MIL 1 LCSC C108996 CH330N
3 1N4148W D2 DIODE-SOD-123 1 LCSC C241939 1N4148W-E3-08
4 SI2302 Q2 SOT-23_L2.9-W1.3-P0.95-LS2.4-BR 1 LCSC C344009 SI2302
5 KF301-2P PWR-OUT,PWR-IN,TEST-IN KF301-2P 3 LCSC C474883 KF301R-5.0-2P
6 USB-B-Female USB USB-M-49 1 LCSC C46393 USB-B-Female-90-TH
7 1k R5,R6,R3,R2,R13,R4 0603 6 LCSC C21190 0603WAF1001T5E
8 10k R10,R14,R15 0603 3 LCSC C25804 0603WAF1002T5E
9 1k5 R16 0603 1 LCSC C22843 0603WAF1501T5E
10 4k7 R12,R1,R11 0603 3 LCSC C23162 0603WAF4701T5E
11 Header UPDI HDR-3X1/2.54 1 LCSC C49257 Header2.54mm 1*3P
12 IRL540NPBF Q1 TO-220-3_L10.0-W4.5-P2.54-T 1 LCSC C111607 IRL540NPBF
13 ATTINY814-SSN U1 SOIC-14_150MIL 1 LCSC C182202 ATTINY814-SSNR
14 1u C5 0603 1 LCSC C15849 CL10A105KB8NNNC
15 INA219 U5,U4 SOT-23-8 2 LCSC C87469 INA219AIDCNR
16 Header EXPANSION,I2C HDR-4X1/2.54 2 LCSC C124413 220S-1*4P H=8.5MM Ytype Gold-plated
17 100n C4,C3,C9,C1,C10,C8,C6,C7 0603 8 LCSC C14663 CC0603KRX7R9BB104
18 47u C2 1206 1 LCSC C30300 1206F476M160NT
19 LED RDY,PWR,BUSY LED-0603 3 LCSC C72041 19-217/BHC-ZL1M2RY/3T
20 Header NTC,FAN HEADER_2X1 2 LCSC C86471 826629-2
21 R300 R7,R8,R9 2512 3 LCSC C176052 CR2512F0R3E04
22 R008 R17,R18 2512 2 LCSC C76241 MRF6432(2512)LR008FTS
23 SS54 D1 DIODE-SMA(DO-214AC) 1 LCSC C123946 SS54


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