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STD MP2307 USB-C Buck Converter

MP2307 USB-C Buck Converter

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Update time: 2021-06-26 04:06:45
Creation time: 2020-06-20 17:17:21


A slightly different approach to USB-C power delivery by combining a PD maximum voltage trigger (IP2721, up to 20V) and a buck converter (MP2307). The output voltage can be selected via the voltage divider (R5 + R6). The maximum output current is 3A. ![IMG_20200712_130214_x.jpg](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/EQfjEryWefvVntioPtvdtKiLcoezcSjCVIvwx2Gj.jpeg)
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Manufacturer Part BOM_Supplier BOM_Manufacturer BOM_Supplier Part
1 KF301-2P X1 KF301-2P 1 KF301-5.0-2P LCSC Cixi Kefa Elec C474881
2 MP2307DN-LF-Z U2 SOP-8_EP_150MIL 1 MP2307DN-LF-Z LCSC MPS C18921
3 120k R6 0603 1 0603WAF1203T5E LCSC UniOhm C25808
4 10k R5 0603 1 0603WAF1002T5E LCSC UniOhm C25804
5 6k8 R4 0603 1 0603WAF6801T5E LCSC UniOhm C23212
6 100k R7,R3 0603 2 0603WAF1003T5E LCSC UniOhm C25803
7 IP2721 U1 TSSOP16 1 IP2721 LCSC INJOINIC C603176
8 1u C1 0603 1 CL10A105KB8NNNC LCSC SAMSUNG C15849
9 PWR LED1 LED0603 1 19-217/BHC-ZL1M2RY/3T LCSC EVERLIGHT C72041
10 USB-TYPE-C-6PIN USB1 USB-C-SMD-6P 1 TYPE-C-31-M-17 LCSC Korean Hroparts Elec C283540
11 10uH L1 IND-SMD_L7.0-W6.6_FXL0630 1 YT0630-100M LCSC Wenshan C428419
12 10u C2,C6 1206 2 CL31A106KBHNNNE LCSC SAMSUNG C13585
13 3n9 C5 0603 1 CL10B392KB8NNNC LCSC Samsung Electro-Mechanics C170145
14 100n C4 0603 1 CC0603KRX7R9BB104 LCSC YAGEO C14663
15 10n C7 0603 1 0603B103K500NT LCSC FH C57112
16 22u C8,C3 1206 2 C3216X5R1V226MTJ00E LCSC TDK C342620
17 5k1 R2,R1 0603 2 0603WAF5101T5E LCSC UniOhm C23186
18 2k R8 0603 1 0603WAF2001T5E LCSC UniOhm C22975
19 SS34 D1 DIODE-SMA(DO-214AC) 1 SS34 LCSC Yenji C142458
20 AO3400A Q1 SOT-23-3_L2.9-W1.6-P1.90-LS2.8-BR 1 AO3400A LCSC AOS C20917


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