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STD C64 Tapuino SMD

License: CC-BY-SA 3.0

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Update time: 2022-03-31 11:16:21
Creation time: 2020-07-26 18:37:55
# Tapuino - Commodore Datasette Emulator Tapuino is a Commodore Datasette emulator for C16, C64, C128 and VIC-20 based on the design and firmware by [Sweetlilmre](https://github.com/sweetlilmre/tapuino). Put your TAP files on an SD-Card and plug the device in your good old Commodore. - Project Files (Github): https://github.com/wagiminator/C64-Collection ![C64_Tapuino_pic1.jpg](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wagiminator/C64-Collection/master/C64_Tapuino/documentation/C64_Tapuino_pic1.jpg) # Installing the Firmware An AVR programmer is required to flash the firmware. A cheap and reliable programmer is e.g. [USBasp](https://aliexpress.com/wholesale?SearchText=usbasp). - Connect the programmer to the PC via USB and to the ICSP header on the board via an ICSP cable. - Make sure you have installed [avrdude](https://learn.adafruit.com/usbtinyisp/avrdude). - Open a terminal. - Navigate to the software folder with the hex-file. - Execute the following command (if necessary replace "usbasp" with the programmer you use): ``` avrdude -c usbasp -p m328p -U flash:w:tapuino.hex -U lfuse:w:0xff:m -U hfuse:w:0xdb:m -U efuse:w:0xfd:m ``` # Operating Instructions ## Loading a TAP File Copy your TAP files to the SD card and insert the card into the SD card slot. Switch on your C64, enter the command "LOAD" and confirm with "Enter". Now select the desired file to be loaded on the Tapuino. Use the four buttons to do this and proceed as follows: - Select the option "Load" - Navigate to the desired file - Confirm the choice The game/program is now loaded to the C64 and the progress bar on the OLED display shows the loading status in percent. ## Saving a File Writing data onto the SD card is just as easy as reading from the card. All you have to do is select the "Record" option in the menu. Here are the steps: On the C64: Load the data to be written to the card or write a little Basic program just for test purposes. Then initiate the saving process with the command "SAVE". On the Tapuino: - Select the menu item "Record" - Select the recording mode. With "Manual" the file name must be entered manually, with "Automatic" a predefined name is generated automatically. If you want to choose the name yourself (manually) you have to type in the name using the buttons, which is very cumbersome. |Button|Function| |:-|:-| |NEXT|cursor left| |PREV|cursor to the right| |BACK/SELECT|change letters/characters| |Press and hold NEXT|confirm| - When "Ready ..." is shown on the display, you only have to press button 1 once more, and the storage process begins. The saved data is saved on the SD card in the directory "Recordings". These can also be loaded from there. ## Converting Programs to TAP Format Not every program can be found in TAP format, but there is a way to convert images with a different format to TAP. The small Windows program [WAV-PRG](http://wav-prg.sourceforge.net/wavprg.html) enables PRG, P00- and T64 files to be converted into TAP format. After opening the program, choose the second option "Convert a PRG, P00 or T64 to a sound or TAP or WAV" and click "OK". Now select the machine for which the file is to be converted from the drop-down menu, e.g. C64 PAL and click "OK". Now select the file to be converted. That's it, the TAP file is now ready for use with the Tapuino. ## Dumping Tapes from your old Datasette If you still have old tapes and a Commodore Datasette, you can use them to create TAP images. To do this, check out the project [TapeBuddy64](https://github.com/wagiminator/C64-Collection/tree/master/C64_TapeBuddy64). # References, Links and Notes 1. [Source Code](https://github.com/sweetlilmre/tapuino) 2. [Tapuino Tutorial (german)](https://www.mingos-commodorepage.com/tutorials/c64tapuino.php?title=Der%20Tapuino%20im%20Selbstbau) 3. [TapeBuddy64](https://github.com/wagiminator/C64-Collection/tree/master/C64_TapeBuddy64) 4. [C64 Games](https://www.c64games.de/) ![C64_Tapuino_pic3.jpg](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wagiminator/C64-Collection/master/C64_Tapuino/documentation/C64_Tapuino_pic3.jpg) ![C64_Tapuino_pic2.jpg](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wagiminator/C64-Collection/master/C64_Tapuino/documentation/C64_Tapuino_pic2.jpg) ![C64_Tapuino_pic4.jpg](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wagiminator/C64-Collection/master/C64_Tapuino/documentation/C64_Tapuino_pic4.jpg) ![C64_Tapuino_pic5.jpg](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wagiminator/C64-Collection/master/C64_Tapuino/documentation/C64_Tapuino_pic5.jpg)
Design Drawing
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Manufacturer Part
1 SELECT SW4 SW-TH_K2-1102AQ-C4CW-01 1 K2-1102AQ-C4CW-01
2 BACK SW3 SW-TH_K2-1102AQ-C4CW-01 1 K2-1102AQ-C4CW-01
3 PREV SW2 SW-TH_K2-1102AQ-C4CW-01 1 K2-1102AQ-C4CW-01
4 NEXT SW1 SW-TH_K2-1102AQ-C4CW-01 1 K2-1102AQ-C4CW-01
5 16MHZ X1 HC-49S 1 X49SD16MSD2SI
6 PC817C U3 SOP-4 1 CYPC817(C-TP2)
7 OLED J4 I2C OLED 0.96 NEW 1 SSD1306 I2C OLED
8 470R R2 0603 1 0603WAF4700T5E
9 10k R1,R4,R3 0603 3 0603WAF1002T5E
10 3k3 R9,R8,R10 0603 3 0603WAF3301T5E
11 1k8 R7,R6,R5 0603 3 0603WAF1801T5E
12 AMS1117-3.3 U2 SOT-223 1 AMS1117-3.3
13 ICSP J2 ICSP-6-B 1 MTP125-1203S1
14 C64_CASS_PORT J3 C64_CASS_PORT_2 1 805 Series 3.96mm Pitch Edge Connector
15 22p C6,C5 0603 2 CL10C220JB8NNNC
16 4u7 C10,C7 0603 2 CL10A475KO8NNNC
17 1u C9,C8 0603 2 CL10A105KB8NNNC
18 100n C1,C2,C3 0603 3 CC0603KRX7R9BB104
19 47u C4 1206 1 1206F476M160NT
21 ATmega328p U1 TQFP-32_7X7X08P 1 ATMEGA328P-AU


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