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STD ATtiny814 Development Board

ATtiny814 Development Board

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Update time: 2021-09-23 19:12:09
Creation time: 2019-11-24 18:59:23


# ATtiny x04/x14 Development Board Development board for ATtiny x04/x14 series with USB to serial converter and Arduino IDE support. ![ATtiny814_DevBoard_pic1.jpg](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/QIhOMeSyvkqXAPcjLeAs7Z7QrOSu9u67LiijoiFr.jpeg) # Features of the tinyAVR Specifications | ATtiny204| ATtiny404 | ATtiny804 | ATtiny1604 :------------ | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- Flash (program memory) | 2048 bytes | 4096 bytes | 8192 bytes | 16384 bytes Flash w/Optiboot | 1536 bytes | 3584 bytes | 7680 bytes | 15872 bytes RAM | 128 bytes | 256 bytes | 512 bytes | 1024 bytes EEPROM | 64 bytes | 128 bytes | 128 bytes | 256 bytes Bootloader | Optiboot (optional, not recommended) | Optiboot (optional, not recommended) | Optiboot (optional) | Optiboot (optional) GPIO Pins | 12 (11 usable) | 12 (11 usable) | 12 (11 usable) | 12 (11 usable) ADC Channels | 10 (9 usable) | 10 (9 usable) | 10 (9 usable) | 10 (9 usable) DAC | No | No | No | No PWM Channels | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 Timer Type B| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 Timer Type D | No | No | No | No Interfaces | UART, SPI, I2C | UART, SPI, I2C | UART, SPI, I2C | UART, SPI, I2C Clock options | Internal 20/16/10/8/5/4/1 MHz | Internal 20/16/10/8/5/4/1 MHz | Internal 20/16/10/8/5/4/1 MHz | Internal 20/16/10/8/5/4/1 MHz Specifications | ATtiny214| ATtiny414 | ATtiny814 | ATtiny1614 :------------ | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- Flash (program memory) | 2048 bytes | 4096 bytes | 8192 bytes | 16384 bytes Flash w/Optiboot | 1536 bytes | 3584 bytes | 7680 bytes | 15872 bytes RAM | 128 bytes | 256 bytes | 512 bytes | 2048 bytes EEPROM | 64 bytes | 128 bytes | 128 bytes | 256 bytes Bootloader | Optiboot (optional, not recommended) | Optiboot (optional, not recommended)| Optiboot (optional) | Optiboot (optional) GPIO Pins | 12 (11 usable) | 12 (11 usable) | 12 (11 usable) | 12 (11 usable) ADC Channels | 10 (9 usable) | 10 (9 usable) | 10 (9 usable) | 10 (9 usable) DAC | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes PWM Channels | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 Timer Type B | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 Timer Type D | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes Interfaces | UART, SPI, I2C | UART, SPI, I2C | UART, SPI, I2C | UART, SPI, I2C Clock options | Internal 20/16/10/8/5/4/1 MHz | Internal 20/16/10/8/5/4/1 MHz | Internal 20/16/10/8/5/4/1 MHz | Internal 20/16/10/8/5/4/1 MHz Reference: https://github.com/SpenceKonde/megaTinyCore # Pinout ![ATtiny814_DevBoard_pinout.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/ZkfT28eBgBK0gcxacPJfcRiGewljpTItPhWiCI3n.png) # Preparing Arduino IDE - [Install megaTinyCore](https://github.com/SpenceKonde/megaTinyCore/blob/master/Installation.md) - Open the Arduino IDE - Go to "Tools" -> "Board" -> "megaTinyCore" and select your chip - Go to "Tools" and set the desired board options - Go to "Tools" -> "Programmer" and select "jtag2updi(megaTinyCore)" - Connect the UPDI programmer to the UPDI header on the development board. You can find such programmers in my [projects](https://github.com/wagiminator/AVR-Programmer) or you can use an [Arduino Uno as a UPDI programmer](https://github.com/SpenceKonde/megaTinyCore/blob/master/MakeUPDIProgrammer.md). - Go to "Tools" -> "Burn Bootloader" - Now you can upload your sketch # References, Links and Notes - Getting started with the new ATtiny chips: http://www.technoblogy.com/show?2OCH - megaTinyCore: https://github.com/SpenceKonde/megaTinyCore - UPDI Programmer based on ATmega: https://easyeda.com/wagiminator/y-updi-programmer - Mini UPDI Programmer based on ATtiny1604: https://easyeda.com/wagiminator/attiny1604-updi-programmer - Development board for ATtiny x16/x06 series: https://easyeda.com/wagiminator/y-attiny3216-development-board-smd ![ATtiny814_DevBoard_pic2.jpg](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/3RoHcPujymMUzfRIByevJsvc9HSEXl7i2LM7iOrd.jpeg) # License ![license.png](https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/3.0/88x31.png) This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Manufacturer BOM_Manufacturer Part BOM_Supplier Part
1 CH330N U2 SOP-8_150MIL 1 LCSC WCH CH330N C108996
2 1k R5,R1,R3,R2,R6 0603 5 LCSC UniOhm 0603WAF1001T5E C21190
3 UPDI H3 210S-3X1/2.54 1 LCSC BOOMELE Header2.54mm 1*3P C49257
4 ATTINY814-SSN U1 SOIC-14_150MIL 1 LCSC Microchip Tech ATTINY814-SSNR C182202
5 100n C3,C4,C1 0603 3 LCSC YAGEO CC0603KRX7R9BB104 C14663
6 47u C2 1206 1 LCSC FH 1206F476M160NT C30300
7 PWR LED1 LED_0603 1 LCSC EVERLIGHT 19-217/GHC-YR1S2/3T C72043
8 PA7 LED2 LED_0603 1 LCSC KENTO KT-0603R C2286
9 Micro USB 5P USB1 MICRO-USB-16-LONG 1 LCSC Boom Precision Elec - C21377
10 Header H1,H2 210S-8X1/2.54 2 LCSC Ckmtw 210S-1*8P L=11.6MMGold-plated black C124381


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