Esp32-S3 Lora Board for measuring water level
PROEsp32-S3 Lora Board for measuring water level
:Public Domain
Creation time:2023-12-29 18:20:47Update time:2024-01-05 15:31:34
Esp32-S3 Lora Board for messaring water level
Suggested Tags:
ESP32, Lora-Wan, DIY
Sensor board for measuring the water level in a tank/reservoir. There is a mechanical sensor that wakes up the ESP32 processor via interrupt when the water level falls below the specified level. The water level is then measured with the TL-136 pressure sensor (4-20mA) and sent together with the measured voltages via Lora. The processor then goes back to deep sleep. The board is designed for battery operation using a single Lipo 18650 battery and can be charged by a small solar panel.
- Optimized for battery operation including Solar Panel for charging
- low sleep current. All Components are switched off during deep sleep
- while sleeping all dependent voltages (12V, I2C, measurement) are switched off
- 12 Volt is created via an SX1308 DC/DC Converter
- single 18650 Lipo battery
- solor charging via small 6V solar panel
- PowerPath: see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37kGva3NW8w
Main Components:
- Prozessor: ESP32-S3
- Lora-Wan: RFM95W
- Charging: TP4056, DW01
- DC/DC Converter: HW-688 SX1308
- Pressure Transmitter: TL-136, 0 to 1 Meter, 4-20mA, 12V
- Optional OLED Display: 128x64 supported via I2C bus
Release Notes Version 3.1 (fixes problems of V3.0)
- 3 Resistors are accidently set to C17414 (10K) instead of their assigned values
R16, R17: 33K C17633
R26: 68K, C17801
R27, R28: 5K1, C27834 - C6, C10, C14: wrong LPSC Partnumber - was C13585 (10uF) instead of ?? (100uF)
it seam 100uF is not available in C1206 - check if 10uF is enough - Net V12_ENABLE was not connected to ESP32.
must be connected to GPIO18 - Changed value of R24 from 10K to 20K
- Add C15 1uF Kondensator betwen VM and Ground of DW01A in start operation - also without Solar-Voltage
- If Wifi ist used directly after starting
errors are thrown and a restart loop occurs. It looks like that the supply voltage is not stable enough to support Wifi.
Using a large 470uF Kondensator parallel to C6 solves the probleme.
Design Drawing
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