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STD Informational Technology and National Security

Informational Technology and National Security

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Update time: 2019-11-06 20:52:52
Creation time: 2019-11-06 20:48:26


United States Government uses a variety of methods for national defense and ensuring homeland and international security. One of the most important resources for development of national security strategies is the information technology (IT). This paper examines the development of the informational technologies in the US in the context of providing long-term stability and security. The study focuses on the impact of technology on US security and societies, as well as on employment of IT for the development of strategies for national security. Impact of Technology on National Security Advancing technologies have strategic implications for the Army, as well as on the Department of Defense and national security as a whole. Countries that possess and employ latest IT innovations and find themselves in a strategically superior position, in comparison to the rest of the world. Governments around the globe rely more and more on science and technology in matters of defense and security. Those that possess advanced technologies become centers of influence on the globe with all following implications. Country’s ability to defend itself is in direct connection to its technological capabilities. Development of new technologies contributes to economic growth, which, in turn, facilitates power and political influence as is told in [gre analytical writing](https://bestwritingservice.com/gre-analytical-writing.html). It is extremely critical now to be the leader in science and technology. This criticality will only increase for the foreseeable future. Technology promotes quality and productivity that result in the competitive advantage and economic growth. The economic development is vital for stability and prosperity, as these two qualities are sources of power and influence. For decades, US was the center of the influence and benefitted from dominance of English language and its word wide media presence through news, and Hollywood film industry. English language is loosing its positions of language number one in the world and Hollywood no longer dominates global film industry market. US have to develop new strategies that secure its position of influence in rapidly changing global world. Considering accelerated technological advancement, US National Security has to adapt and respond quickly to be a step ahead in the area of setting policies and employing latest IT findings for enhancing US military capabilities. Main Effect in Societies Political and cultural settings of main political players on the globe can not be generalized in simple terms. Political and ideological motivations of populations of countries that define world politics are subject to a great diversity. No single political formula can be applied to evaluate and predict how IT will affect societies and cultures outside of US. US can no longer maintain its dominance in world politics, relying on its own capabilities. Analyzing effects and consequences of IT development worldwide, trend to multipolarity becomes apparent. Use of the English language is declining; literacy level is growing worldwide; penetration of US based or US oriented media sources is diminishing; print media loose its positions in the media market, all as a result of further development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Described trends suggest that in the future, US will be more and more connected to languages, technologies and information that originate outside of US. Strength of the US presence in the global information and communication spheres is going to diminish. There may be implications for US cultural and identity issues. Above described trends will have an impact on US security strategy and policies. Thus, creating a new strategy and policies and applying new methods are requirements. IT Strategies for National Security US government has to develop a new strategy that will assure US place as a center of influence and insure a high level of domestic and international security. Strategy has to consider that a single country or a region will not be able to maintain a monopoly in influencing politics, economics and culture of the globe in 21st century. Another aspect of strategy is that science and technology are not just tools for development of nations and economies. IT could help unite the nation-state and act as a universalizing language in the conduct of international affairs. The climate change, space and cyber security have to be seriously considered in the creation of a new strategy. New policies will have to consider that ICT will drastically affect privacy issues in human interactions. Ideally, new strategy and policies should be based on building capacity of partnership with newly emerged centers of influence. US has to respond to multipolarity in world affairs with respect for beliefs, values and cultures of foreign societies. Strategic assessment of cultural trends of the future world has to be conducted to predict future shifts in international relations of states. New regulations have to be put in place for government’s involvement in both domestic and international IT policies. From research findings, it is evident that the US government, its intelligence and military need to respond more effectively to changes that IT brings into the world. A focus should be on creating long-term stability and maintaining dominance through usage of newest IT innovations. Strategies, practices and methods that US employs, have to be more inclusive of friendly to US newly emerging centers of influence in world politics. US focus in the regard should also be on increasing capacity of the US in the IT and global communication spheres. Such course of action will assure continuous strong influence of the US on world political and economic system.
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