SC HiPwr Ultrasonic Cleaner
STDSC HiPwr Ultrasonic Cleaner
:Public Domain
The magazine SiliconChip ran several articles on building Ultrasonic Cleaners and this one looks the best with many top-notch features!
It is controlled by a PIC16F1459 microprocessor, which monitors Voltage and Current, drives the Output Transistors, controllers the Cavitation Timer plus On/Off switches, and Self-Calibrates the output for a 40KHz Transducer, including an automatic Sweep feature and lastly, variable power output with display LED's.
I have redrawn the schematic (with minor changes) and laid out a circuit board with a detachable Control Switch Panel.
I have included the .ASM and .HEX codes, as well as the .PDF articles that explain how the circuit works and how to wind the output transfomer!
This circuit can only drive one 40KHz Transducer at about 35 Watts, so I recommend a small stainless-steel steam-pan of no more than a quart size!
Design Drawing
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