Noise Gate
STDNoise Gate
:Public Domain
Noise Gate is a simple circuit that I have used in another project, so I know it works, but this is a new, smaller design using surface-mount components and is currently unverified.
It can be added to an existing circuit or footpedal or made into a stand-alone stompbox.
It is about the size of a potentiometer-
VR1 is adjusted until the unwanted noise from a noisy circuit is shunt to ground by mosfet Q1.
When notes are played, the audio is amplified by Q3, which is then converted into a DC voltage by diodes D1 & D2 and applied to the base of Q2, which in turn, shunts the gate voltage on Q1 to ground- turning OFF Q1 and allowing the music/audio to flow freely.
Increasing VR1 potentiometer can also create a "gating-effect" which in some circumstances, is a desired effect.
Design Drawing


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