Moonshine Distillery
STDMoonshine Distillery
:Public Domain
Moonshine Distillery Project using Arduino ProMini
After watching the television show "Moonshiners" on the Discovery Channel, I decided to develop a system to aide in the distilling process.
Sensors detect the temperature of the "Mash" which will control the voltage to a Hot Plate to keep the Mash at the proper temperature.
Additional sensors detect the temperature of the Vapors and displays it on the OLED Display as well as LED's indicating the Stages of distilling, such as "Heads", "Hearts" and "Tails".
***NOTES: circuit board is laid out, but not verified yet. Arduino Sketch written appears to work properly, but is currently untested.
Uses 120vAC to provide power to the Hot Plate and a Switch-mode Power Supply circuit to provide voltages to the rest of the circuit. SHOCK HAZARD
Code Working Example:
Design Drawing


Project Members
