40KHz Codyson Ultrasonic Cleaner
STD40KHz Codyson Ultrasonic Cleaner
:Public Domain
Years ago, a guy named "Jumper One" reverse-engineered a small Codyson Ultrasonic Cleaner and published the schematic on his website. This is a re-drawing of that schematic with many Upgrades! I've made the power supply safer by adding the EMI/RFI Filter, better Heat Sinks and included a simple 1-30 minute Timer based on the 555 Timer IC (which can be separated from the main circuit board). I also changed some values of components to run cooler.
These Codyson circuits were cheap, mass-produced and used in many different suppliers for China.
I have troubleshot several and found that they were missing the Power Supply Filters in order to reduce costs! Not Smart!
It is a common and standard circuit which is not proprietary.
When the Timer is activated, Voltage is applied to the Inductor L1 by Q1, which is then quickly turned off (approx: 25uSec) by Q2, resulting in a "flux" collapse in the inductor, sending high volatge pulses to the Transducer.
This circuit can power 1 or 2 (in parallel) 60Watt 40KHz Transducers !
This circuit is designed for 120vAC, but can be adapted to 220vAC by changing Resistors R1 and R2 from 1 ohm 5 Watt to 10 ohms 5 Watts.
a previous version was built and confirmed working, however, this updated design is not verified.
Design Drawing


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