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STD EMG Detector copy

EMG Detector copy

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Cloned from EMG Detector

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Update time: 2018-12-21 19:19:46
Creation time: 2018-12-21 19:19:45


Grove - EMG Detector -------------------- EMG detector is a bridge connects human body and electrical, the sensor gathers small muscle signal then process with 2th amplify and filter, the output signal can be recognized by Arduino. You can add this signal into your control system. Note: The sensor cannot be used for medical purposes. In standby mode, the output voltage is 1.5V. When detect muscle active, the output signal rise up, the maximum voltage is 3.3V. You can use this sensor in 3.3V or 5V system. Features: Grove Compatible 3.5mm Connector 6 Disposable Surface Electrodes Power supply voltage: 3.3V-5V 1000mm Cable Leads No additional power supply Move When finish downloading demo code, it'll take about 5s to initialize, you should keep static when initializing. You can see that when initializing, the Led Bar will go form level 10 to level 0. When Led Bar All off, you can move now. When you are moving, you can find that the level of Led Bar will change. For more detail, please visit: http://www.seeedstudio.com/item_detail.html?p_id=1737
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ID Designator Quantity
1 R17 1
2 R18,R15,R10,R11,R16 5
3 R19,R2,R3 3
4 C10,C6,C5 3
5 C4,C1 2
6 C3 1
7 R9 1
8 C9 1
9 R14 1
10 C8,C2,C7 3
11 R8,R1 2
12 R12,R5 2
13 R7,R6,R4 3
14 R13 1
15 U3,U2 2
16 C11 1
17 J1 1
18 J2 1
19 U4 1
20 U1 1
21 U$1 1
22 TP1 1
23 TP2 1
24 TP3 1
25 TP4 1
26 P1,P2,P3,P4 4


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