TDA2030 2.1 lm1875 2.1 or TDA2050 2.1
STDTDA2030 2.1 lm1875 2.1 or TDA2050 2.1
:CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0
The TDA2030 2.1 amplifier is a circuit that uses two TDA2030 integrated circuits for the stereo channels (left and right) and one TDA2030 in bridge mode for the subwoofer channel (bass).
The TDA2030 is a class AB audio amplifier that can operate with voltages up to 36V and currents up to 3.5A. It has a good sound quality, low distortion and thermal and short-circuit protection. It can be used in both single and bridge configurations, increasing the output power.
The circuit also uses a NE5532 dual operational amplifier to make the preamplifier and the low-pass filter for the subwoofer channel. The NE5532 is a low-noise and high-speed operational amplifier, widely used in audio applications.
The circuit is powered by a symmetrical source of 12V + 12V, which can be obtained from a transformer with double secondary of 12V and a bridge rectifier with filtering capacitors. The source also uses two voltage regulators LM7812 and LM7912 to provide a stable voltage of 12V for the operational amplifier. This circuit is ideal for those who want to build a 2.1 sound system for their computer, TV or other audio device.
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