# Arduino *Simple**FOC**Shield* *v2.0.3*
### Features
* **Plug & play**: In combination with Arduino *Simple**FOC**library* - [github](https://github.com/simplefoc/Arduino-FOC)
* **Low-cost**: Price of 15-20€ - [Check the pricing](https://www.simplefoc.com/simplefoc_shield_product)
* **In-line current sensing**: Up to 3Amps/5Amps bidirectional
* configurable: 3.3Amps - 3.3V adc, 5Amps - 5V adc
* **Integrated 8V regulator**:
* Enable/disable by soldering pads
* **Max power 120W** \- max current 5A\, power\-supply 12\-24V
* Designed for Gimbal motors with the internal resistance >10 Ωs.
* **Stackable**: running 2 motors in the same time
* **Encoder/Hall sensors interface**: Integrated 3.3kΩ pullups (configurable)
* **I2C interface**: Integrated 4.7kΩ pullups (configurable)
* **Configurable pinout**: Hardware configuration - soldering connections
* **Arduino headers**: Arduino UNO, Arduino MEGA, STM32 Nucleo boards...
* **Open Source**: Fully available fabrication files - [how to make it yourself](https://docs.simplefoc.com/arduino_simplefoc_shield_fabrication)