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1.Easy to use and quick to get started
2.The process supports design scales of 300 devices or 1000 pads
3.Supports simple circuit simulation
4.For students, teachers, creators
1.Brand new interactions and interfaces
2.Smooth support for design sizes of over 5,000 devices or 10,000 pads
3.More rigorous design constraints, more standardized processes
# *Simple**FOC*** ***Drive**Shield* *v1.2*
This is an open-source low-cost BLDC driver boards in the form of a Arduino shield. It is a part of the *Simple**FOC*** project. The board is the big brother of the *Simple**FOC**Shield* and is designed to drive motors with higher current requirements, up to 30Amps. The board is created with the same philosophy as the *Simple**FOC**Shield* - to be simple to use, low-cost, and open-source and fully compatible with the *Simple**FOC***library.
Additionally the aim of the board is to serve as a template project for the community to build their own motor drivers.
- The board is relatively simple and can be easily modified to fit different requirements.
- The board is designed in EasyEDA and all the fabrication files are available for download
### Features
- **Plug & play**: In combination with Arduino *Simple**FOC**library* - [github](
- **In-line current sensing**: Up to 5Amps bidirectional
- ACS712 hall current sensor
- **Absolute max ratings** - Designed for Gimbal motors with the internal resistance >10 Ωs.
- Max current: 30A,
- Max input voltage: 35V
- **Stackable**: running 2 motors in the same time
- **Encoder/Hall sensors interface**: Integrated 3.3kΩ pullups (configurable)
- **I2C interface**: Integrated 4.7kΩ pullups (configurable)
- **Configurable pinout**: Hardware configuration - soldering connections
- **Arduino headers**: Arduino UNO, Arduino MEGA, STM32 Nucleo boards...
- **Open Source**:
- Fully designed in **EasyEDA**: [EasyEDA project](
- Fully available fabrication files - [how to make it yourself](
- **Low-cost**: Estimated price of 25-40€ - *Will be available in the SimpleFOC shop*
## Board evolution timeline
To check the release timeline, click [here](
Version | release | Release date | Comment
----- | ----- | ---- | ----
*Simple**FOC** **Drive**Shield* v1.0 | v0.1 | 05/24 | - Test version - **DRV8300** gate driver - **SE3082G** dual mosfets - ACS712 (range +-30Amps) - 20V max voltage
*Simple**FOC** **Drive**Shield* v1.0 | v1.0 | 06/24 | - Transition to **DRV8320H** gate driver - 30V max voltage
*Simple**FOC** **Drive**Shield* v1.1 | v1.1 | 07/24 | - Transition to 3x3mm **BSZ09x** mosfets instead of **SE3082G** - 35V max voltage
*Simple**FOC** **Drive**Shield* v1.2 | v1.2 | 08/24 | Initial release - Transition to **4 layer** PCB - Enabling stacking (soldering pads) - Configurable pullups (I2C and encoder)
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SimpleFOC Drive
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Announcer: the.skuric
Creation time: 2024-05-31 13:01:04
Published time:
2024-08-24 06:21:57
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