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STD SimpleFOC Drive

SimpleFOC Drive

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Update time: 2024-08-24 06:21:57
Creation time: 2024-05-31 13:01:04


# *Simple**FOC*** ***Drive**Shield* *v1.2* This is an open-source low-cost BLDC driver boards in the form of a Arduino shield. It is a part of the *Simple**FOC*** project. The board is the big brother of the *Simple**FOC**Shield* and is designed to drive motors with higher current requirements, up to 30Amps. The board is created with the same philosophy as the *Simple**FOC**Shield* - to be simple to use, low-cost, and open-source and fully compatible with the *Simple**FOC***library. Additionally the aim of the board is to serve as a template project for the community to build their own motor drivers. - The board is relatively simple and can be easily modified to fit different requirements. - The board is designed in EasyEDA and all the fabrication files are available for download ### Features - **Plug & play**: In combination with Arduino *Simple**FOC**library* - [github](https://github.com/simplefoc/Arduino-FOC) - **In-line current sensing**: Up to 5Amps bidirectional - ACS712 hall current sensor - **Absolute max ratings** - Designed for Gimbal motors with the internal resistance >10 Ωs. - Max current: 30A, - Max input voltage: 35V - **Stackable**: running 2 motors in the same time - **Encoder/Hall sensors interface**: Integrated 3.3kΩ pullups (configurable) - **I2C interface**: Integrated 4.7kΩ pullups (configurable) - **Configurable pinout**: Hardware configuration - soldering connections - **Arduino headers**: Arduino UNO, Arduino MEGA, STM32 Nucleo boards... - **Open Source**: - Fully designed in **EasyEDA**: [EasyEDA project](https://oshwlab.com/the.skuric/SimpleFOC-Drive) - Fully available fabrication files - [how to make it yourself](https://docs.simplefoc.com/arduino_simplefoc_shield_fabrication) - **Low-cost**: Estimated price of 25-40€ - *Will be available in the SimpleFOC shop* ## Board evolution timeline To check the release timeline, click [here](https://github.com/simplefoc/SimpleFOC-driveShield/releases) Version | release | Release date | Comment ----- | ----- | ---- | ---- *Simple**FOC** **Drive**Shield* v1.0 | v0.1 | 05/24 | - Test version
- **DRV8300** gate driver
- **SE3082G** dual mosfets
- ACS712 (range +-30Amps)
- 20V max voltage *Simple**FOC** **Drive**Shield* v1.0 | v1.0 | 06/24 | - Transition to **DRV8320H** gate driver
- 30V max voltage *Simple**FOC** **Drive**Shield* v1.1 | v1.1 | 07/24 | - Transition to 3x3mm **BSZ09x** mosfets instead of **SE3082G**
- 35V max voltage *Simple**FOC** **Drive**Shield* v1.2 | v1.2 | 08/24 | Initial release
- Transition to **4 layer** PCB
- Enabling stacking (soldering pads)
- Configurable pullups (I2C and encoder)
Design Drawing

Design Drawing

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 4.7kΩ R11 R0603 1 C23162
2 4.7k R2,R5,R6,R7 R0603 4
3 10k R3 R0603 1
4 10K R4 R0603 1
5 75k R8 R0603 1
6 18k R9 R0603 1
7 47k R10 R0603 1
8 C0603B104K160NT C1,C5,CB1,CB2,CB3 C0603 5 C17702750
9 220uF C9,C10 CAP-SMD_BD8.0-L8.3-W8.3-LS9.5-FD 2 C305376
10 BSZ0901NSATMA1 U8,U9,UB1,UB2,UC1,UC2 DFN-8_L3.3-W3.3-P0.65-BL-2 6 C3289311
11 47nF C7 C0603 1
12 1uF C4,C6,CBYP1,CBYP2 C0603 4
13 LED-0603_R D2,D1 LED0603_RED 2 C72044
14 DRV8320HRTVT U2 WQFN-32_L5.0-W5.0-P0.50-TL-EP 1 C2864967
15 3.3k PULL_A1,PULL_I1,PULL_B1 R0603 3
16 ACS712ELCTR-30A-T U3,U4 SOIC-8_L5.0-W4.0-P1.27-LS6.0-BL 2 C9932
17 1nF CF1,CF2 C0603 2
18 4.7k PULL_SCL1,PULL_SDA1,R1 R0603 3 C23162


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