LFR with Arduino UNO
STDLFR with Arduino UNO
:Public Domain
Dive into robotics with our Line Following Robot PCB project, featuring an Arduino Uno microcontroller, L293D motor driver, and two IR sensors. The Arduino Uno serves as the project's brain, coordinating movements with precision. IR sensors detect line contrasts, enabling the robot to follow paths accurately in real-time. The L293D motor driver controls motor speed and direction, ensuring smooth navigation across various surfaces.
Crafted for efficiency, our PCB design optimizes space and connectivity, minimizing signal interference for reliable performance. With expansion capabilities, enthusiasts can customize the robot with additional sensors or modules.
In summary, our Line Following Robot PCB project offers:
1. Precision Navigation: Arduino Uno microcontroller and IR sensors enable real-time path tracking with accuracy.
2. Seamless Movement: L293D motor driver ensures smooth motor control for fluid navigation.
3. Efficient Design: Meticulously arranged traces and components minimize signal interference, guaranteeing reliable performance.
4. Customization Options: Provision for expanding with additional sensors or modules allows for personalized enhancements.
Embark on a captivating journey into robotics with our Line Following Robot PCB project, promising an immersive and educational experience for enthusiasts of all levels.
Design Drawing


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