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STD ESP32_LiPo_Shield


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Update time: 2024-04-22 20:23:43
Creation time: 2023-10-09 17:43:52


This PCB handles power to the ESP32 module (The one with 28mm of width, with header to header separation of 25mm) via a 3.7V single cell LiPo Batery. It regulates 3.3V with a step down converter making the AMS1117 basically useless for a enhanced efficiency.
I also added an optional 12V step up regulator for a passsive 85dB buzzer output or straight 12V power output. The PCB also adds a GPS and SIM compatiblity through a UART interface with the popular modules. And a ADC input for battery measurement. I also added a trigger input with a modified jack plug (it does NOT do audio).

A render of the final product.



GPS Module: https://naylampmechatronics.com/sensores-posicion-inerciales-gps/106-modulo-gps-neo-6m.html

SIM Module: https://naylampmechatronics.com/inalambrico/115-modulo-gsm-sim800l-2g.html

Design Drawing

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity Manufacturer Part Manufacturer Supplier JLCPCB Part Class spiceSymbolName Contributor
1 22uF C1,C2,C3,C4,C5 C0805 5 CL21A226MQQNNNE SAMSUNG(三星) LCSC C5674 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C5674&%26type=1&ref=editor CL21A226MQQNNNE
2 100nF C6 C0402 1 CL05B104KO5NNNC SAMSUNG(三星) LCSC C1525 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C1525&%26type=1&ref=editor CL05B104KO5NNNC
3 10uF C7 C0805 1 CL21A106KPFNNNE SAMSUNG(三星) LCSC C17024 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C17024&%26type=1&ref=editor CL21A106KPFNNNE
4 Batt_Conn CN1 CONN-TH_B2B-PH-K-S 1 B2B-PH-K-S(LF)(SN) JST LCSC C131337 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C131337&%26type=1&ref=editor B2B-PH-K-S(LF)(SN) LCSC
5 Audio Jack CN2 AUDIO-TH_PJ-3134-3A 1 PJ-3134A-3A 韩国韩荣 LCSC C2911490 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C2911490&%26type=1&ref=editor PJ-3134A-3A LCSC
6 1N5819_C437199 D1,D2 SMA_L4.4-W2.6-LS5.0-RD 2 1N5819 KEXIN(科信) LCSC C437199 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C437199&%26type=1&ref=editor 1N5819_C437199 LCSC
7 PM254-1-15-Z-8.5 J1,J2 HDR-TH_15P-P2.54-V-F 2 PM254-1-15-Z-8.5 HCTL(华灿天禄) LCSC C2897378 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C2897378&%26type=1&ref=editor PM254-1-15-Z-8.5 LCSC
8 GPS Header J3 HDR-TH_4P-P2.54-V-F 1 X6511FV-04-C85D32 XKB Connectivity(中国星坤) LCSC C718241 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C718241&%26type=1&ref=editor X6511FV-04-C85D32 LCSC
9 SIM Header J4 HDR-TH_6P-P2.54-V-F 1 X6511FV-06-C85D32 XKB Connectivity(中国星坤) LCSC C718239 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C718239&%26type=1&ref=editor X6511FV-06-C85D32 LCSC
10 EXT_ANT J5 HDR-TH_1P-V-M 1 X5511WV-01-C396D43-1220 XKB Connectivity(中国星坤) LCSC C2883388 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C2883388&%26type=1&ref=editor X5511WV-01-C396D43-1220 LCSC
11 Buzzer J6 HDR-TH_2P-P2.54-V-F 1 2.54-1*2P母 BOOMELE(博穆精密) LCSC C49661 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C49661&%26type=1&ref=editor Header-Female-2.54_1x2
12 12V_EN J7 HDR-TH_2P-P2.54-V-F 1 2.54-1*2P母 BOOMELE(博穆精密) LCSC C49661 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C49661&%26type=1&ref=editor Header-Female-2.54_1x2
13 2.2uH L1 IND-SMD_L7.4-W6.6 1 CKST0603-2.2uH/M CENKER(岑科) LCSC C3002634 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C3002634&%26type=1&ref=editor CKST0603-2.2UH/M lcsc
14 0805G (Green) LED1 LED0805-R-RD 1 KT-0805翠绿 KENTO LCSC C2297 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C2297&%26type=1&ref=editor 0805G (Green)
15 WPM2015-3/TR Q1 SOT-23-3_L2.9-W1.6-P1.90-LS2.8-BR 1 WPM2015-3/TR WILLSEMI(韦尔) LCSC C213159 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C213159&%26type=1&ref=editor WPM2015-3/TR LCSC
16 2N7002 Q2 SOT-23-3_L2.9-W1.3-P1.90-LS2.4-BR 1 2N7002 CJ(江苏长电/长晶) LCSC C8545 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C8545&%26type=1&ref=editor 2N7002
17 10kΩ R1 R0402 1 0402WGF1002TCE UNI-ROYAL(厚声) LCSC C25744 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C25744&%26type=1&ref=editor 0402WGF1002TCE
18 2.2kΩ R2,RP R0402 2 0402WGF2201TCE UNI-ROYAL(厚声) LCSC C25879 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C25879&%26type=1&ref=editor 0402WGF2201TCE
19 470kΩ R3,R5 R0402 2 0402WGF4703TCE UNI-ROYAL(厚声) LCSC C25790 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C25790&%26type=1&ref=editor 0402WGF4703TCE
20 4.7kΩ R4 R0402 1 0402WGF4701TCE UNI-ROYAL(厚声) LCSC C25900 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C25900&%26type=1&ref=editor 0402WGF4701TCE
21 330Ω R6 R0402 1 0402WGF3300TCE UNI-ROYAL(厚声) LCSC C25104 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C25104&%26type=1&ref=editor 0402WGF3300TCE
22 1MΩ R7 R0402 1 0402WGF1004TCE UNI-ROYAL(厚声) LCSC C26083 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C26083&%26type=1&ref=editor 0402WGF1004TCE
23 220kΩ RA,RC R0402 2 0402WGF2203TCE UNI-ROYAL(厚声) LCSC C25767 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C25767&%26type=1&ref=editor 0402WGF2203TCE
24 49.9kΩ RB R0402 1 0402WGF4992TCE UNI-ROYAL(厚声) LCSC C25897 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C25897&%26type=1&ref=editor 0402WGF4992TCE
25 12kΩ RD R0402 1 0402WGF1202TCE UNI-ROYAL(厚声) LCSC C25752 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C25752&%26type=1&ref=editor 0402WGF1202TCE
26 22uH U1 IND-SMD_L7.2-W6.6_GPSR07X0 1 CYA0630-22UH SHOU HAN(首韩) LCSC C5189960 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C5189960&%26type=1&ref=editor CYA0630-22UH lcsc
27 SY8089AAAC U2 SOT-23-5_L3.0-W1.7-P0.95-LS2.8-BR 1 SY8089AAAC silergy(矽力杰) LCSC C78988 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C78988&%26type=1&ref=editor SY8089AAAC
28 MT3608 U3 SOT-23-6_L2.9-W1.6-P0.95-LS2.8-BL 1 MT3608 西安航天民芯 LCSC C84817 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C84817&%26type=1&ref=editor MT3608
29 BL4054B-42TPTRN U4 TSOT-23-5_L2.9-W1.6-P0.95-LS2.8-BL 1 BL4054B-42TPTRN BL(上海贝岭) LCSC C194062 https://lcsc.com/eda_search?q=C194062&%26type=1&ref=editor BL4054B-42TPTRN LCSC


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