:GPL 3.0
NRF24L01 / NRF24L01+ Shim for Flipper Zero. Uses the small external module form factor. Should fit all NRF PCB types.
Small prototype area, an option to add RF kill switch and an option to use the IRQ pin are available.
PCB Hole is for future 3D print case mounting.
- The shim supports *most* NRF24 breakout boards, but not the waveshare 10pin board. Check your board pinout before using it with this shim.
- The supported NRF24 pinout also matches *most* CC1101 boards pinout, so these should be considered supported as well.
- It is important not to forget to short the 2 pads coming out of the 3V3 pin. These are left like that if you want to add a kill switch. If no switch is to be used, these should be connected together.
Design Drawing


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