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STD ST1S41 DC-DC Regulator
DC-DC step-down converter module, based on ST1S41 chip.
This module is designed for experiments and for embedding in various DIY devices.
Project Overview (English subtitles): https://youtu.be/Lil3r53FUU0
Powerful (4 A) DC-DC step-down switching regulator, with high PWM frequency and low ripple. Can be controlled by an external controller via the Enable input. Able to produce 100% duty cycle and work effectively at low and high loads. The efficiency of the chip increases due to its synchronous circuit and a p-channel high-side MOSFET and thanks to this it can continuously keep it open without needing a bootstrap capacitor.
Excellent chip for adjusting the output voltage from 0.8V to the Vin.
Project Overview (English subtitles) - https://youtu.be/Lil3r53FUU0
Datasheet - https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/st1s41.pdf
Component values calculation - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RC5eWVdJe1vk0HYx3-bhCfRPN9aAa3wc
Buck-Converter Design Demystified By Donald Schelle and Jorge Castorena - https://www.electronicdesign.com/technologies/dc-dc-converters/article/21188914/buckconverter-design-demystified
Buck Converter Design - https://www.mouser.de/pdfdocs/BuckConverterDesignNote.pdf
Optimizing Transient Response of Internally Compensated dc-dc Converters With Feedforward Capacitor - https://www.ti.com/lit/an/slva289b/slva289b.pdf
SMD Capacitor Sample Book - https://ali.ski/l-lE9
SMD Resistor Sample Book - https://ali.ski/6YxlCV
Single Row male straight 2.54mm socket, 40 pin - https://ali.ski/vTH2b
2.54mm Jumper - https://ali.ski/XfxtVj
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