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STD Nixie Tube Clock

Nixie Tube Clock

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License: CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0



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Update time: 2020-12-01 19:47:21
Creation time: 2019-01-15 10:54:46


Cool Nixie Tube Clock, design works out of the box. All parts (execpt for the tubes) can be ordered from LCSC, if you have any questions feel free to contact me via easyeda messages. It is recommended to put the nixie tubes on special nixie tube pins, these can be found on ebay. All design files are available from here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtAXShYJCGHGg8cPyZy78OAvaAjYnw?e=Gnd8If Assembly Instructions: The top board is mounted to the front panel using 10mm spacers and the bottom board is mounted to the bottom panel also using 10mm spacers. The boards can be programmed by using an ICSP programmer such as the USBASP. NOTE:unconnected lines between top and bottom board are OK. The PCB is grooved in the middle, which allows the top part to be vertically mounted against the bottom board
Design Drawing

Design Drawing

schematic diagram
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 To Microprocessor J5 HDR-6X1/2.54 1
2 Power J4,J6 HDR-3X1/2.54 2
3 ULN2003A-DIP16 Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q6,Q7,Q8,Q9 DIP-16 9
4 TM74HC595D U6,U7,U8,U9,U10,U11,U12,U13 SOP-16_150MIL 8
5 475KΩ R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8,R9,R24 1206 10
6 22K R10,R11,R12,R13,R14,R15 1210 6
7 IN-12A N1,N2,N3,N5,N6,N4 IN-12 6
8 1N4756A D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D8,D9 DO-41 9
9 22pF C2,C3 0603 2
10 KAN0610-0731B-C SW2,SW3,SW5,SW1,SW6 KEY-TOUCH-DIP-6.2X6.2X5.0 5
11 To Nixie Board J7 HDR-6X1/2.54 1
12 16MHz X1 OSC-49S-1 1
13 GMC1205YA-16R2048 BUZZER GMC1205YA-12MM 1
14 32.768KHz X2 SMD-8032_4P 1
15 10K R18,R20,R19,R16,R17,R21,R27,R28,R30,R29 1206 10
16 POWER J2 HDR-4X1/2.54 1
17 ICSP Header J3 HDR-3X2/2.54 1
18 330K R31 0603 1
19 ATMEGA328PB-AU U1 TQFP-32_7X7X08P 1
20 GPIO J1 HDR-7X1/2.54 1
21 DS1307ZN+ U2 SOP-8_150MIL 1
22 Rotary_switch SW4 SW7-13.75X11.7X6.5MM 1
23 100nF C1,C14 1206 2
24 333-2SURD/S530-A3-L LED1 LED-5MM/2.54 1
25 BS-2-1 B1 BATTERY-1 1
26 1N5819HW-7-F D11 SOD-123 1
27 HG1509-5.0M/TR U4 SOP-8 1
28 3.3uF C5,C13 CAP-6.3*10.2 2
29 1N914BTR D12 DO-35 1
30 IRF630NPBF Q10 TO-220(TO-220-3) 1
31 0.5Ω R22,R23 1206 2
32 DC-005 5.5-2.0MM P1 DC-005 1
33 220uH L1 SMD-L-18.2X14.0X6.8 1
34 1KΩ R25 1206 1
35 MC34063BD U3 SOIC-8_150MIL 1
36 3.6KΩ R26 1206 1
37 MMBT3906 U5 SOT-23-3_L3.0-W1.7-P0.95-LS2.9-BR 1
38 ES2GF D10 SMAF_L3.5-W2.6-LS4.7-RD 1
39 220uF C4,C9,C7 CAP-T-8*10.5 3
40 680pF C10 0805 1
41 100nF C8,C6,C11,C12 0603 4
42 47uH L2 SMD-SM7850 1


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