Arduino / Dynamixel Interface
STDArduino / Dynamixel Interface
:Public Domain
I needed to control a Dynamixel Servo from an Arduino. I found the Savage Electronics boards ( and was going to buy some - but the seller was on holiday - so I had to make my own.
I'm certain the Savage Electronics version is superior to mine - and cheaper as you only have to buy one at a time but if you're stuck or need something different, you're welcome to use this.
This works nicely with the standard Dynamixel2Arduino.h library if you include the following definition in your code:
Change the pin number to whichever you are using for data direction.
I'm using the same circuit in this project:
- controlling Dynamixels from a hobby Radio Control set. That was my original purpose for this board but I decided to tidy it up a bit and make it into it's own board. There's some example code linked on Github there too.