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STD Multipurpose pcb 2022 version 3

License: GPL 3.0

Mode: Editors' pick

Cloned from Multipurpose pcb 2022

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  • 11
Update time: 2022-08-17 05:30:33
Creation time: 2022-03-11 14:44:49
Those who ever worked with arduino they know the pain of connecting different components with arduino for there projects. so here is the answer for you all.
not 1 or 2 you can connect 11 components at same time & on board 5V & 9V regulator, cross polarity protection, power indication LED, motor power selection provision (5V or 9V or 12V) manual provision for stepper motor microstepping setting. wide range of input supply (9V to 24V).
This is my multipurpose PCB works with Arduino Nano, I have designed it in a way that you can run 2 Stepper motors, 2 DC motors, 2 Servo motors at same time and this is not it you can even connect BT module, rotary encoder, I2C device, potentiometer at same time.
This PCB is very much helpful in building any project and no need to worry about messy wire connections.
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