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STD Grove - SPDT Relay(30A)

Grove - SPDT Relay(30A)

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Update time: 2021-10-19 09:59:42
Creation time: 2016-07-01 03:25:34


![enter image description here][1] ![enter image description here][2] ![enter image description here][3] **DESCRIPTION** The SPDT Relay(30A) is a high quality Single Pole Double Throw Relay(SPDT).The Relay consist of a coil, 1 common terminal, 1 normally closed(NC) terminal and one normally open(NO) terminal. When the coil of the relay is at rest (not energized), the common terminal and the normally closed terminal have continuity. When the coil is energized, the common terminal and the normally open terminal have continuity. This relay's coil is rated up to 5V and the contact is rated up to 30A (@250VAC, 30VDC). Use it to control AC appliances or high current DC devices. **NOTE: Please exercise great care and safety precautions when working with mains voltages. If in doubt, contact a professional such as a licensed electrician for help.** **KEY FEATURES** - Grove interface compatible - High Switching Current - SPDT Relay - Arduino library ready - Normally closed relay **TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS** - Operating voltage: 4.75V~5.25V - Operating current: 185mA - Switching Voltage: 250VAC/30VDC - Switching Current: 30A - Pull-In Voltage(Max): 3.75VDC - Switch on Time(Max): 15ms - Release Time(Max): 10ms - Operating Ambient Temperature: -25~70°C **DOCUMENTS** Please visit our [WiKi][4] page for more information about this product. For technical support, please post your questions on our Forum. For more detail, please visit: https://www.seeedstudio.com/item_detail.html?p_id=1473 [1]: /editor/20160711/57836c34a6c6d.png [2]: /editor/20160705/577b689657f1e.jpg [3]: /editor/20160705/577b68b45eddc.jpg [4]: http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/Grove_-_SPDT_Relay(30A)
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 NO U1 6P-19.8H 1
2 NO J1 4P-2.0 1
3 S9013 Q1 SOT23 1
4 2k R1 R0603 1
5 10K R2 R0603 1
6 100pF C1 C0603 1
7 Green D2 LED-0603 1
8 1K R3 R0603 1
9 10 R4 R0603 1
10 NO J4 3P-5.08 1
11 LL4148 D3 DO-35-SMD 1


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