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STD PS1240P02BT Driver

PS1240P02BT Driver

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Update time: 2018-09-03 04:45:28
Creation time: 2018-08-26 23:48:21


4.8 KHz 555 driver PWM for the PS1240P02BT Peizo with KSC1815 or BC337 Output. 3vrms after the amp transistor with 50% duty cycle. This is a single (and annoying) tone roughly 50Db at 10cm. This is part of the chirp circuit on the WMP sense circuit. The Emitter of the KSC1815 (or BC337) will be pulled to ground with the ATTiny85 Pin 3 with a second NPN BC547 on a 200-500 ms pulse when the threshold of the sense goes low. VCC is 6V. This circuit will be added to the WMP Version 4.2 (thus no PCB)
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity Mounted
1 TLC555CDR U1 SOIC-8_150MIL 1 Yes C6986
2 100KΩ R1,R14 1206 2 Yes C17900
3 1k R2,R3,R4 1206 3 Yes C1409
4 BC337-25 Q1 TO-92(TO-92-3) 1 Yes C74768
5 10nF C1 0805 1 Yes C83170
6 1.5nF C2 0805 1 Yes C1717
7 PS1240P02CT3 BUZZER1 B-12*5.0 1 Yes C76873
8 ATTINY85-20SU U2 SOIC-8_208MIL 1 Yes C89852
9 BC547B Tube Q2 TO-92(TO-92-3) 1 Yes C2092
10 4.7k R5 1206 1 Yes
11 S8050 Q3 SOT-23(SOT-23-3) 1 Yes C139514
12 100Ω R6,R7,R12 1206 3 Yes C25348
13 Probe 1 P1 HDR-1X1/2.54 1 Yes C81276
14 Probe 2 P2 HDR-1X1/2.54 1 Yes C81276
15 2N3904 Q4 TO-92(TO-92-3) 1 Yes C118538
16 10k R8 1206 1 Yes
17 LED-3MM Red LED1 LED-3MM/2.54 1 Yes C99772
18 LED-3MM Green LED2 LED-3MM/2.54 1 Yes C99772
19 220 R9,R10 1206 2 Yes
20 Header-Female P3 HDR-1X2/2.54 1 Yes C49661
21 RT9266GE U3 SOT-23-6 1 Yes C18576
22 4.7uH L1 IND-606028 1 Yes C32684
23 100uF C3 CAP-D6.3XH5.5 1 Yes C72475
24 100uF C4 CAP-D8.0XH10.5 1 Yes C72480
25 1N5819HW-7-F D1 SOD-123 1 Yes C82544
26 0.22Ω R11 1206 1 Yes C25336
27 1uF C5,C6 1206 2 Yes C1926
28 100nF C7 1206 1 Yes C1945
29 MMBF170LT1G Q5 SOT-23 1 Yes C28871
30 620KΩ R13 1206 1 Yes C17972


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