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1.Easy to use and quick to get started

2.The process supports design scales of 300 devices or 1000 pads

3.Supports simple circuit simulation

4.For students, teachers, creators


1.Brand new interactions and interfaces

2.Smooth support for design sizes of over 5,000 devices or 10,000 pads

3.More rigorous design constraints, more standardized processes

4.For enterprises, more professional users


STD DiplomTest

License: Public Domain

Mode: Schematic/Simulation

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Update time: 2024-05-16 11:01:21
Creation time: 2024-05-15 13:34:28

This project is not working. I don't know why. Maybe it's because of the chip. If someone knows how to help, then please help.

Этот проект не работает. Я не знаю почему. Возможно, это из за микросхемы. Если кто то знает как помочь, то прошу помогите.

Dieses Projekt funktioniert nicht. Ich weiß nicht warum. Vielleicht liegt es an dem Chip. Wenn jemand weiß, wie man hilft, dann bitte um Hilfe.

Design Drawing
schematic diagram
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ID Name Designator Quantity Capacitance catid
1 68u C2,C3 2 EasyEDA Capacitor_Electrolytic_EU
2 220u C4 1 EasyEDA Capacitor_Electrolytic_EU
3 0.001u C5 1 EasyEDA Capacitor_US
4 1u C6 1 EasyEDA Capacitor_US
5 2.2u C7,C8 2 EasyEDA Capacitor_US
6 100u C9 1 EasyEDA Capacitor_Electrolytic_EU
7 1N4148 D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7,D8,D9 9 EasyEDA 1N4148
8 IR2153 IC1 1 MOrnob IR2153
9 BSS123 M1,M2 2 EasyEDA BSS123
10 56K R1 1 EasyEDA Resistor_EU
11 12K R2 1 EasyEDA Resistor_EU
12 100 R3,R4 2 EasyEDA Resistor_EU
13 Mutual_Inductors T1 1 EasyEDA MUTUAL_INDUCTORS
14 220 V1 1 EasyEDA VDC
15 Multimeter XMM1 1 EasyEDA MULTIMETER 0


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