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STD Corioliss C1 schematic

Corioliss C1 schematic

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Update time: 2021-06-27 11:32:21
Creation time: 2021-06-01 09:03:45


This is the schematic of the main board of Corioliss model C1 Hair Straightener.

It's a reverse engineering, accuracy is not guaranted !

The main concern of this schematic is only to help for repair.


The 2 Amps are included into the LM258 (TI) chip.

The ADV (advsemi.com) is a TRIAC. This can have a short between T1 and T2, so must be replaced.

I oberved issues with the FUSE (due certainly to the TRIAC short), and with the R1 resistor.

Design Drawing

Design Drawing

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 10uF C1,C_1 CASE-A_3216 2
2 0,3nF C2,C_2 C0603 2
3 410uF C3,C_3 C0603 2
4 490nF C4,C_4 C0603 2
5 100nF C5,C_5 C0603 2
6 0,1nF C-YELLOW,C-YELLOW1 C0603 2
7 1N4007W D1,D4,D_1,D_4 SOD-123_L2.8-W1.8-LS3.7-RD 4
8 6.3A 250V FUSE1,FUSE_1 FUSE-SMD_5-20MM 2
9 K2-3.6×6.1_SMD INT1,INT_1 KEY-SMD_2P-L6.2-W3.6-LS8.0 2
10 5mm_LED_TH_Green LED1,LED_1 LED-TH_BD5.8-P2.54-FD 2
11 LED-0603_R LED-RED,LED-RED1 LED0603_RED 2
12 75KΩ NTC1,NTC_1 R0603 2
13 1k PTCA_2,8KOHMS,PTCB_7,2KOHMS,1KOHMS R0603 5
14 47Ω R1,R_1 R0603 2
15 150kΩ R2,R5,R_2,R_5 R0603 4
16 56kΩ R3,R_3 R0603 2
17 47kΩ R6,R_6 R0603 2
18 560Ω R7,R_7 R0603 2
19 680kΩ R8,R_8 R0603 2
20 10MΩ R9,R13 R0603 2
21 56ohm R10,R_10 R0603 2
22 560kΩ R11,R_11 R0603 2
23 200kΩ RP1,RP_1 RES-ADJ-TH_3386P 2
24 5kΩ RP2,RP_2 RES-ADJ-TH_3386P 2
25 Triac ADS8C80ES T1,T_1 TO220 2
26 AMOP1 U2,U4 ? 2
27 AMOP2 U3,U1 ? 2
28 05D471K VDR,VDR1 RES-TH_L7.5-W6.0-P5.00-D0.6-S3.20 2
29 BZX84C10L ZD1,ZD_1 SMB 2
30 AC 240V V1 HDR1X2 1


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