:Public Domain
This project was to make a simple but fully featured single channel motor driver module. BOM cost is dependent on component choice, but is typically between 20 and 30USD.
Features :
- 5V or 3V3 supply for control logic
- 6V to 45V Motor Voltage, with up to 40A current (dependent on choice of filtering capacitors and FETs).
- UART TTL or I2C Control
- I2C Address Selection
- Adjustable Current Limiting
- Quadrature Encoder Input (digital or analog)
- Speed Control
- Breaking / Coasting
- Read-Back of Motor Voltage, Current and Board Temperature.
- Fault Detection
Known Bugs :
Version 1.0 has the wrong footprint for the ATTINY416! It should have been a wide SOIC rather than a narrow SOIC. The part can still be placed by extending the pads using wire, but it's not very elegant. This will be corrected in Version 1.1.
The terminal block for the motor connections is a little small to accept wire large enough for high current applications. I might increase the side of the terminal block in the next version.
All other aspects of the board have been tested to work perfectly!
Design Drawing


Project Members
