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v2 SKR1.4T extruder breakout board

STDv2 SKR1.4T extruder breakout board





Creation time:2022-06-27 17:55:09Update time:2022-07-20 20:10:30


This is some project I was working on to fix an annoying issue with my printer, and I assume some might have faced it, so I'm just sharing the results of my work.
I have upgraded my what used to be the original gantry (with the whiteboard) to SKR 1.4 Turbo board. I put Marlin 2.x on it and I'm having some good time with it (well except for some annoying printing quality issues that may be related to some undiscovered thing yet)... but anyways, once I've started doing the wiring, I realized that I will have issues with the extruder wires.
Based on my initial research, I decided to use the original PCB board as a breakout and I ordered another one actually so that I can use 2 one on each side.
That did not work as expected because I think the PCB board has a common ground for all the connections on it, which does make sense... but at any moment I try to heat the nozzle, the whole thing will short out and the SKR main board will just switch off.
So I had to run the cables like spaghetti around directly to the extruder until I figured out something.
Well I did figure out something which is making my own PCB board for the extruder, again using one on each side and using the original 12pin cable because that is a great thing really.
The only thing is I think I went a bit too far with the size, because I initially wanted it to be somewhere around the original PCB size, but again I think I went a bit far and what I got was a little tiny board..
Keep in mind though that this is the board schematics, and you need to order it to be made and also get the parts for it, but if you were stuck like me, maybe this can help...
This uses 2.00mm pitch connectors, and that's why it is small. I made another one with 2.54mm but it was too late after I ordered the first version with the tiny boards... so the second version is also available but I did not even get it to be manufactured and it is not tested..
I think I'll revise that to match it with the original board size to be a drop in replacement..

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