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STD Flight Simulator Autopilot

License: CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0

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Update time: 2022-03-27 20:39:12
Creation time: 2020-09-30 00:13:06
This is a basic Flight Simulator Autopilot panel It uses a STM32 chip and can be used with FreeJoy firmware: https://github.com/FreeJoy-Team/FreeJoy It behaves as a joystick so you need to assign the different functions in FS. The 3D printed flanges are available attached in the project as well as the FreeJoy configuration file. All the SMD components are available as standard parts for the JLCPCB assembly service, except the USB port because they don't provide any connectors. The tactile buttons, encoders and screws (ref C357370) are available at LCSC, but the encoder shaft is about 10mm too long. The PEC12R-4220F-S0024 can be used if you don't want to cut the shaft and file the bottom part. I used these knobs: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000111276637.html
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Manufacturer BOM_Manufacturer Part BOM_Supplier Part
1 8MHz X1 OSC-SMD_L5.0-W3.2 1 LCSC YXC X50328MSB2GI C115962
2 SWD H1 HDR-TH_4P-P2.54-V 1 LCSC Ckmtw 210S-1*4P L=11.6MMGold-plated black C124378
3 10uF C1,C3 C0805 2 LCSC SAMSUNG CL21A106KAYNNNE C15850
4 1.5K R39 R0603 1 LCSC UniOhm 0603WAF1501T5E C22843
5 100nF C6,C5,C28,C7,C4,C2 C0603 6 LCSC YAGEO CC0603KRX7R9BB104 C14663
6 AMS1117-3.3 U2 SOT-223-3_L6.5-W3.4-P2.30-LS7.0-BR 1 LCSC AMS AMS1117-3.3 C6186
7 U254-051T-4BH83-F1S USB1 MICRO-USB-SMD_U254-051T-4BH83-F1S 1 LCSC XKB Enterprise U254-051T-4BH83-F1S C397452
8 20pF C9,C8 C0603 2 LCSC SAMSUNG CL10C200JB8NNNC C1648
9 STM32F103C8T6 U1 LQFP-48_L7.0-W7.0-P0.50-LS9.0-BL 1 LCSC STMicroelectronics STM32F103C8T6 C8734
10 10K R1 R0603 1 LCSC UniOhm 0603WAF1002T5E C25804
11 20Ω R38,R37 R0603 2 LCSC UniOhm 0603WAF100JT5E C22859
12 Serial H2 HDR-TH_3P-P2.54-V 1 LCSC Ckmtw 210S-1*3P L=11.6MMGold-plated black C124376
13 PEC12R-4230F-S0024 RT2,RT3,RT4,RT1 SW-TH_PEC12R-4230F-S0024 4 LCSC BOURNS PEC12R-4230F-S0024 C143818
14 TC-1103-C-Q SW1,SW2,SW3,SW4,SW5,SW6 KEY-TH_4P-L12.0-W12.0-P5.00-LS12.5 6 LCSC XKB Enterprise TC-1103-C-Q C318970
15 10nF C10,C11,C12,C13,C27,C15,C16,C17,C18,C19,C20,C21,C22,C23,C24,C25,C26,C14 C0603 18 LCSC FH 0603B103K500NT C57112


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