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Cloned from Valve / Tube examples

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Update time: 2019-09-09 06:37:02
Creation time: 2019-09-09 06:37:01


Simple test jigs to demonstrate schematic capture and simulation of thermionic diode, triode and tetrode/pentode devices in EasyEDA. Simple test jigs to demonstrate drawing and **simulating** thermionic diode, triode and tetrode/pentode devices in EasyEDA, using models from: http://www.duncanamps.com/spicevalves.html Available models: **Diodes:** EB91_DM 6D22S_DM 6AL5_DM 5Y3GT_DM 5V4GA_DM 5V3A_DM 5U4GB_DM 5AR4_DC GZ34_DC **Triodes:** VT4C_DC WE300B_DC STC4300B_DC GL211_DC 12AX7A_DC 12AU7A_DC 12AT7_DC 6SN7GTB_DC 6DJ8_DC 6SL7GT_DC SV572-10_DM SV572-30_DM 6679_DM 6201_DM EC92_DM 6AB4_DM ECC81_DM 12AT7_DM NHECL82_DMGTM NHSV57210_DMGTM NHECC83_DMGTM NHECC81_DMGTM NHECC82_DMGTM NH5751_DMGTM NH300B_DMGTM NH76_DMGTM NH12AX7_DMGTM NH12AU7_DMGTM NH12AT7_DMGTM NH6SN7GTB_DMGTM NH6N1P_DMGTM NH3CX300_DMGTM NH6BM8_DMGTM 7247_DM 12DW7_DM 6AV6_DM 6681_DM 6EU7_DM 7027_DM ECC83_DM 12AX7A_DM 7308_DC 6922_DC E88CC_DC ECC88_DC **Tetrodes/Pentodes:** EF86_DM 6V6_DM 6CA7_DM 6BQ5_DM SV811-10_DM SV811-3_DM 6550_DC KT88_DC 6146_DM 829_DM 829HALF_DM SV83_DM 7027A_DC 7581A_DC 6L6WGB_DC 5881_DC 1614_DC 6L6_DC 6L6G_DC 6L6GA_DC 6L6GB_DC 7408_DC 6AQ5A_DC EL90_DC 6669_DC 6L6GC_DC 6L6_DM EL34_DM EL84_DM ECL82_DM 6BM8P_DM 6V6GTA_DC Key to models: Prefix: NH No Heater (because symbols in EasyEDA currently do not include heater pins) Suffix: _DM standalone Pspice or in some cases Spice 3f4 models by Duncan Munro. _DMGTM Pspice Generic Triode Model (GTM) or in some cases standalone Spice 3f4 implementations of GTM models by Duncan Munro. _DC Pspice models by Dave Cigna / Francesco Piazza. Also, although only a few devices have been tried, copying and pasting the models contained in either of: http://ayumi.cava.jp/audio/tubemodel_3.01_win.zip http://ayumi.cava.jp/audio/tubemodel_3.01_linux.zip from: http://ayumi.cava.jp/audio/ into an EasyEDA schematic seems to work OK. More on valve / tube modelling: [SPICE Models for Vacuum Tube Amplifiers] [SPICE Models for Vacuum Tube Amplifiers]:http://users.ece.gatech.edu/mleach/papers/tubeamp/tubeamp.pdf
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