P004A: BQ25896 Lithium Battery Charger with OLED Display
STDP004A: BQ25896 Lithium Battery Charger with OLED Display
:GPL 3.0
I wanted to make a battery charger that was not based on the popular Chinese TP4056 IC that you see all over the internet. So after some research I came across the Texas Instruments BQ25896, this is a single cell 3A charger that can be controlled using I2C, it also has a boost mode and can turn the connected battery into a powerbank delivering up to 2A of current.
This charger IC is typically used in mobiles and I did not hand solder it, all the other standard SMD components were hand soldered.
The charger IC is controlled using an ATMEGA32U4 microcontroller, the main code was written using the Arduino IDE 2.x and the driver library was coded using Visual Studio.
The OLED module for this can be found here:
Design Drawing


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