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STD TRACKLINK V1 - Prototype for Dragon Railway Locomotive

TRACKLINK V1 - Prototype for Dragon Railway Locomotive

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CERN Open Hardware License

License: CERN Open Hardware License



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Update time: 2024-11-29 06:57:16
Creation time: 2024-07-30 09:40:42



TrackLink V1: Tested

Designed for Prototype purpose, Shared here for reference only. Not for production use




    • Input Voltage: 5V–11V
    • Microcontroller: ESP32-S3-MINI
      • Connectivity: WiFi, BLE, and ESPNOW
    • Motor Driver: 2× DRV8212 brushed motor drivers
      • Max Motor Current: 4A peak


  • LED Driver: ULN2003 transistor array
    • LED Voltage: 5V (regulated via AMS117 LDO)
    • Max LED Current: Up to 500mA (suitable for LEDs; cannot drive solenoids)
  • Servo Output: 2x (can also be used for neopixels)
  • Audio Output: MAX98357 I2S amplifier



Additional Information


Design Intent

The TrackLink V1 was specifically designed to test the following components:

  • MAX98357 I2S Amplifier: Evaluated for its sound quality (also to see if it even works).
  • DRV8212 Motor Drivers: Tested to drive N20 motors of various voltage and RPM specifications with Dragon Railway locomotives.

This board served to test the performance of these components under real-world conditions.



Conclusion for Dragon Railway Locomotives

  1. Motor Selection

    • The 3V N20 motor performs adequately with a single Li-ion cell (4.2V). One DRV8212 motor driver is sufficient to drive up to four motors, making the second driver unnecessary.
  2. Amplifier Performance

    • The MAX98357 I2S amplifier has great sound quality, better than analog amplifiers (obviously) that are more susceptible to noise.
  3. Voltage Range

    • A voltage range of 5V is sufficient since the motor operates effectively at low voltages.
  4. Proposed Improvements for V2

    • Remove AMS117 5V LDO: When using single cell 5V LDO is not required, this will improve efficiency and reduce thermal issues.
    • Integrated LED Resistors: Current-limiting resistors will be added directly to the PCB, using a fixed resistance of 100Ω for simplicity. LED brightness will be controlled in software.
    • Battery Management and Protection: Add a proper charging circuit and reverse polarity protection for extra safety, especially for our beginner users.
    • Power Switch: Include a proper power switch with digital power-off functionality to prevent battery drain when the device is idle.


Final Thoughts

The testing phase for TrackLink V1 has been completed. While there are areas for improvement, the design itself has no hardware errors. This version is shared for educational purposes, as a reference for designers working on similar projects.

If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to share your feedback!

Design Drawing

Design Drawing

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity Manufacturer Part Manufacturer Supplier
1 1uF C17,C8,C18,C3,C4 C0402 5 CL05A105KA5NQNC SAMSUNG(三星) LCSC C52923
2 10uF C1,C7,C9,C11 C0603 4 CL10A106MA8NRNC SAMSUNG(三星) LCSC C96446
3 100nF C6,C2,C10,C13,C15 C0402 5 CL05B104KO5NNNC SAMSUNG(三星) LCSC C1525
4 MAX98357AEWL+T U6 WLP-9_L1.4-W1.3-P0.40-R3-C3-BR 1 MAX98357AEWL+T ADI(亚德诺)/MAXIM(美信) LCSC C2682619
5 1N5819WS D1 SOD-323_L1.8-W1.3-LS2.5-RD 1 1N5819WS Hottech(合科泰) LCSC C191023
6 DRV8212PDSGR U2,U3 WSON-8_L2.0-W2.0-P0.50-TL-EP 2 DRV8212PDSGR TI(德州仪器) LCSC C5208051
7 19-213/Y2C-CQ2R2L/3T(CY) LED1,LED2 LED0603-RD-YELLOW 2 19-213/Y2C-CQ2R2L/3T(CY) EVERLIGHT(亿光) LCSC C72038
8 5.1kΩ R1,R2,R4,R5,R6,R7 R0402 6 0402WGF5101TCE UNI-ROYAL(厚声) LCSC C25905
9 20kΩ R3 R0402 1 0402WGF2002TCE UNI-ROYAL(厚声) LCSC C25765
10 ESP32-S3-MINI-1-N8 U1 BULETM-SMD_ESP32-S3-MINI-1-N8 1 ESP32-S3-MINI-1-N8 ESPRESSIF(乐鑫) LCSC C2913206
11 AMS1117-3.3 U4 SOT-223-3_L6.5-W3.4-P2.30-LS7.0-BR 1 AMS1117-3.3 AMS LCSC C6186
12 ULN2003ADR U5 SOIC-16_L9.9-W3.9-P1.27-LS6.0-BL 1 ULN2003ADR TI(德州仪器) LCSC C7512
13 TYPE-C 16PIN 2MD(073) USB USB-C-SMD_TYPE-C-6PIN-2MD-073 1 TYPE-C 16PIN 2MD(073) SHOU HAN(首韩) LCSC C2765186
14 TS-1187A-B-A-B SW1,SW2 SW-SMD_4P-L5.1-W5.1-P3.70-LS6.5-TL-2 2 TS-1187A-B-A-B XKB Connectivity(中国星坤) LCSC C318884
15 AMS1117-5.0 U7 SOT-223_L6.5-W3.5-P2.30-LS7.0-BR 1 AMS1117-5.0 AMS LCSC C6187
16 100Ω R8,R10 R0402 2 0402WGF1000TCE UNI-ROYAL(厚声) LCSC C25076


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