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STD WellSense

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2022-08-17 02:41:39
Creation time: 2022-06-23 02:48:21

In this build, I create a wearable ESP32-enabled wellness tracker can accommodate a variety of I2C-based sensors for tracking a variety of activities and environmental factors. It also features an SD card reader for long-term storage or when WiFi is not available.

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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity BOM_Supplier BOM_Supplier Part
1 MY-2032-08 BT1 BAT-SMD_MY-2032-08 1 LCSC C964831
2 10uF C1 C0805 1 LCSC C1713
3 100nF C2,C3,C4,C6 C0603 4 LCSC C1590
4 100uF C5 C0805 1 LCSC C437555
5 TF-01A CARD1 TF-SMD_TF-01A 1 LCSC C91145
6 HDR-F-2.54_1x4 H1 HDR-F-2.54_1X4 1 LCSC C225501
7 SZYY0603B LED1,LED2,LED3 LED0603-R-RD_BLUE 3 LCSC C434421
8 FS8205A_C2830320 Q2 SOT-23-6_L2.9-W1.6-P0.95-LS2.8-BR 1 LCSC C2830320
9 1kΩ R1,R2,R5,R8,R10 R0603 5 LCSC C2758735
10 1.2kΩ R3 R0603 1 LCSC C560419
11 100Ω R4 R0603 1 LCSC C25201
12 10kΩ R6 R0603 1 LCSC C25804
13 100kΩ R13 R0603 1 LCSC C73806
14 22kΩ R14 R0603 1 LCSC C88614
15 4*4*1.7 SW1,SW2 SW-SMD_4P-L5.2-W5.2-P3.70-LS6.5 2 LCSC C10852
16 K3-1295S SW5 SW-SMD_K3-1295S 1 LCSC C223847
17 TP4056_C725790 U1 ESOP-8_L4.9-W3.9-P1.27-LS6.0-BL-EP 1 LCSC C725790
18 DW01A_C351410 U2 SOT-23-6_L2.9-W1.6-P0.95-LS2.8-BL 1 LCSC C351410
19 ESP32-WROOM-32D U4 WIFIM-SMD_39P-L25.5-W18.0-P1.27-BL 1 LCSC C473012
20 MCP1700T-3302E/TT U7 SOT-23-3_L2.9-W1.6-P1.90-LS2.8-BR 1 LCSC C39051
21 U254-051N-4BH806 USB1 MICRO-USB-SMD_U254-051N-4BH806 1 LCSC C319170


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