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STD TransistorNTSCColRTelV1


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Update time: 2020-11-26 00:25:35
Creation time: 2020-11-15 22:39:57
The Col-R-Tel module is built using purely transistors, no ICs, and with easy to get components. Its principle lies in demodulating only one color signal at the time, based on the filter color in front of the CRT. This is done through switching different carrier (color burst) phase offsets coresponding to R-Y (90°), B-Y(0°) and G-Y(236°). The selected carrier phase is summed with the chroma contained in the NTSC videosignal resulting in an AM signal amplitude of which is corresponding to the demodulated color difference signal level. This AM signal is then simply detected by a synchronous detector, combined with the luminance in videosignal and sent to the CRT. The module also contains a vertical sync separator, off delay (for achieving dutycycle around 50%) and a simple phase comparator comparing vertical scan frequency with the wheel speed giving off a PWM signal for motor speed control. By spinning the wheel at speed exactly the same as the vertical refresh of the video signal (in vertical sync) and each time displaying different of the 3 RGB components we achieve full color image. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmkWy7G6pMs
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ID Name Designator Quantity
1 3.58 MHz XT1 1
2 Sensor 2 S2 1
3 Sensor 1 S1 1
4 Sensor 3 S3 1
5 BC547 Q2,Q8,Q4,Q3,Q7,Q6,Q5,Q9 8
6 47n C29 1
7 1n C17,C18,C19,C10,C16 5
8 100n C20,C12,C23 3
9 100p C9,C3,C8,C11,C6 5
10 220p C5,C2 2
11 47p C28,C15,C25,C4 4
12 22p C13,C7 2
13 10n C14,C21 2
14 200p C22 1
15 220n C27,C26 2
16 1u C1,C24 2
17 1N4148 D4,D6,D3,D1,D2,D5 6
18 BC547 Q10,Q12 2
19 39u L2 1
20 10u L1 1
21 BC557 Q1 1
22 1M R1,R5,R6,R8 4
23 10k R24,R3,R44,R32,R25,R27,R28,R23,R2,R37,R38,R39,R41 13
24 1k2 R34,R16 2
25 1k R36,R4,R29,R7,R45,R20,R21,R31,R22,R42 10
26 4k7 R43,R30,R26,R40 4
27 680k R9 1
28 3k3 R10,R11 2
29 1k5 REXT 1
30 470 R12 1
31 220k R35 1
32 100 R18,R19 2
33 47k R17 1
34 100k R13 1
35 18k R14 1
36 5k6 R15,R33 2
37 10u C31,C32 2
38 1u C30 1
39 BC557 Q11,Q13 2
40 1M TR1 1
41 10k TR2,TR5,TR4,TR7,TR6 5
42 100k TR3 1


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