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STD Double PCL84 PushPull Audio Amplifier V1

Double PCL84 PushPull Audio Amplifier V1

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Update time: 2021-06-26 17:16:18
Creation time: 2020-06-19 15:42:18


Simple push-pull configuration of two PCL84 TriodePentodes. All resistors are 0,25W. PowerSupply is simplified by using simple 230V-12V transformers. Output transformer is an ordinary 230V-12V transformer as well. Isolation tranformer is a cheap miniature chinese 1:1 audio isolation transformer (red tape on winding and white tape on core), take note of its phase orientation. Gain is set by R13 feedback resistor value, R13 = 0R is unity gain, R13 = 220R is 2 and R13 = 1k is close to 4. Feedback Error amplifier is in a common cathode + common anode triode configuration with bootstrap and light positive feedback for maximum gain (Resistor R6 sets the positive feedback ammount, lower value equals higher gain but less stability). Frequency response is greatly limited by choice of the output transformer, toroidals work the best while EI transformers usually cutoff at around 2 kHz. Output power is rather low, around 4W in an ideal case.
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
1 100n C1 C0201 1
2 Isolation TR3 PWRM-TH_HR610660 1
3 Output TR4 PWRM-TH_HR610660 1
4 12V - 230V TR2 PWRM-TH_HR610660 1
5 230V - 12V TR1 PWRM-TH_HR610660 1
6 1N4007 D4,D3,D2,D1 DO-41_BD2.4-L4.7-P8.70-D0.9-RD 4
7 4.7u 100V C5 CASE-A_3216 1
8 10u 450V C12,C2,C3 CASE-A_3216 3
9 4.7u 250V C10,C6,C11,C4 CASE-A_3216 4
10 100u 10V C8,C9 CASE-A_3216 2
11 47u 10V C7 CASE-A_3216 1
12 220k R3,R2 R0201 2
13 4k7 R15,R18,R16,R19 R0201 4
14 100k R1,R21,R22 R0201 3
15 100 R17,R20,R9 R0201 3
16 1k R13 R0201 1
17 5k6 R14,R12,R11,R6 R0201 4
18 10k R4,R5 R0201 2
19 22k R8,R7 R0201 2
20 220 R10 R0201 1
21 PCL84 V2,V1 NOVAL-SKT 2


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