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STD 1500 kHz Analog Spectrum AnalyzerV1

1500 kHz Analog Spectrum AnalyzerV1

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Update time: 2021-11-07 17:22:26
Creation time: 2020-07-25 19:03:43


Video: https://youtu.be/dkxOwAX-kz8 Simple yet fairly performant analog spectrum analyzer built using fairly easy to get parts. Input voltage sweep should be a Sawtooth with adjustable offset (center frequency) and amplitude (sweep width). Input voltage sweep is connected to the X deflection input of an oscilloscope. Output of this circuit can be amplified and peak video detected or simply connected directly to the Y deflection input of an oscilloscope. Peak output amplitude with 20 Vpp input signal is around 1,4 Vpp. This design is more of a curiosity than a useful instrument although it may prove useful in emergency situations. I personally wanted to try to design and build an analog spectrum analyser without any ICs as a proof of concept. I would reccomend to wait for the version 2 where I want to use OPamps for LO VCO and precise sweep control, LM1496 double balanced mixer, a lot narrower crystal filter as well as a logamp detection for at least 40 dB.
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity
2 BAT 48 D2,D3 SOD-323 2
3 2MHZ X2,X1 OSC-49S-1 2
4 Red LED LED1,LED2 LED0603_RED 2
5 1n C9,C7,C13 C0201 3
6 3n3 C8,C6 C0201 2
7 47p C14 C0201 1
8 1u C20,C11 C0201 2
9 470p C3 C0201 1
10 22p C15,C16,C19,C17 C0201 4
11 4n7 C4,C2 C0201 2
12 10n C21 C0201 1
13 2n2 C5 C0201 1
14 100p C10,C12 C0201 2
15 100n C1,C18 C0201 2
16 28 uH IF filter toroid L4 PWRM-TH_HR610660 1
17 1N4148 D4,D5,D1 SOD-123FL_L2.6-W1.6-LS3.4-RD 3
18 BC550 Q5,Q6,Q4,Q2,Q1,Q3 TO-92-3_L5.1-W4.1-P1.27-L 6
19 BC547 Q10 TO-92-3_L5.1-W4.1-P1.27-L 1
20 BNC RF1 BNC-TH_DOSIN-801-0030 1
21 BC557 Q7,Q8,Q9 TO-92-3_L4.9-W3.7-P1.27-L 3
22 1k R23,R17,R18,R20,R22,R8,R27,R29,R5 R0201 9
23 47 R16,R9,R2,R3 R0201 4
24 39 R15 R0201 1
25 1k 2W R14 R0201 1
26 470 R19,R24,R30 R0201 3
27 1k5 R21 R0201 1
28 68k R13 R0201 1
29 22k R12 R0201 1
30 5k6 R1 R0201 1
31 4k7 R10,R11,R26 R0201 3
32 330 R32,R25 R0201 2
33 1k2 R28 R0201 1
34 150 R7 R0201 1
35 12k R6 R0201 1
36 56k R4 R0201 1
37 220 R31 R0201 1
38 390 R33 R0201 1
39 4u7 L1 L0402 1
40 3u3 L2,L3 L0402 2
41 500 TR2 RES-ADJ-TH_3386P 1
42 10k TR1 RES-ADJ-TH_3386P 1


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