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STD Switched-Inductor Boost Converter (LTspice Simulation)

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-06-16 14:25:33
Creation time: 2020-11-27 06:28:29
(Please find the LTspice simulation .asc file in the doccuments section.) A switched-inductor type boost converter has multiple inductors that are charged in parallel but discharged in series, thereby putting multiple boost inductors in series to the input power supply. The two diodes above and below the inductors enable parallel charging of the inductors when the MOSFET is on and the two diodes in series with the inductors put them in series to the input when the MOSFET is off. This results in an increased "boost" for the same duty cycle compared to a single inductor type boost converter. The output voltage of a boost converter is given by the formula Vo = Vin*n/(1 - D) This circuit runs at a duty cycle of 65% and outputs 48V. A normal boost converter with an efficiency of 90% would output Vo = 12*0.9/(1-0.65) = 30.85V The output voltage of a two-inductor switched boost converter for the same duty cycle is Vo = Vin*n*(1+D)/(1-D) Substituting the appropriate values, Vo = 12 *0.9*(1+0.65)/(1-0.65) = 50V This circuit, in reality, outputs 48V with an efficiency of 92% (for a load current of 1A). ![Screenshot 48.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/FieT1MqHAav5hdy2RCFJ7eNjEiOXGnXpgkJwBpwD.png) ![Screenshot 39.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/tGly4qHECZYPbRjo6zREKe7EzFXpl5Fyl0A5CDCN.png) Output voltage ripple ![Screenshot 40.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/fRfZu4a6GcItVhd6GsnAbsUE2QHmAHEgujCxveaV.png) ![Screenshot 41.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/3ri5IKtdtVUtI66wkeYbktvFHPeikkYbQzRQviI6.png) PWM signal ![Screenshot 42.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/hJ0hji19OmuvkdkRoyiUrcCbl2rXGRUFGZpHWKYm.png) ![Screenshot 43.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/mHbDLjMLLN7LX5j738ipTgQDvRL4FqoE2a4XYLB2.png) Error voltage vs ramp ![Screenshot 44.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/Om8yiuD5HyUIqhrum7M6YbBfl0ckGmZvCRfT9le7.png) Diode current waveforms ![Screenshot 45.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/rRTtYnUqpBSs1GQQnA6p7mWiGw7eXF4hSyZ2Pr5z.png) Inductor and MOSFET voltages ![Screenshot 46.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/IgzqFblyo53IFL2ssxd6ajkCSXxcbe5C2qynAVsK.png) Efficiecy and power losses ![Screenshot 47.png](//image.easyeda.com/pullimage/vS3mLQolmJ70jI1euKSeQot9M7iioe2fuUn6aatq.png)
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