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STD X10 Powerline Signal Dual Phase Monitor

License: Public Domain

Mode: Editors' pick

Cloned from X10 Powerline Signal Monitor Dual Phase

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Update time: 2021-03-02 07:56:13
Creation time: 2020-08-11 17:46:44
An attempt to design a device that can connect to both phases of a home's powerline and read the AC waveform as well as the X10 signal being broadcast on top of that waveform. This is based on an old oscilloscope interface project I found on archive.org, and attempts to modernize it with an Arduino for signal sampling, and an ESP8266 for wireless interfacing. My use-case is that at home I can't talk to many of my X10 devices because some device in the house is interfering. Being able to monitor the signal at any time would allow me to track down the device that's creating the interferance and put it behind a filter to improve my home automation. Design reference is : https://web.archive.org/web/20090316075944/http://www.idobartana.com/hakb/oscope.htm Missing images are also on this page : http://janto.ru/repository/smart-home/platform-l-x10-B.html ABSOLUTELY no warranties on this project, I'm open to any input to make this device safer, but I can't guarantee this isn't going to burn your house down on the first try, it just might! That being said, it probably won't, and I tried to make it as safe as I know how to do (I am not an expert)
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