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STD Yard-Light-Net Transmitter


Mode: Editors' pick

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Update time: 2021-04-11 07:54:43
Creation time: 2017-09-06 05:07:44
A differential signal transmitter to send commands to 12v landscaping lights, and the circuits for those lights to receive those signals, and control 5V LED strips. Using an H-Bridge the transmitter reverses polarity (I've always wanted to solve a problem by reversing polarity!) of the 12v bus to transmit a data pulse which is decoded in the lamp by an optocoupled ATTiny85 (or 45). A 5V regulator and capacitor maintain power to the 5V side of the circuit for the LEDs and ATTiny.
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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity Manufacturer Part Manufacturer Supplier LCSC
1 ESP-12F(ESP8266MOD) U2 ESP-12F(ESP8266MOD) 1 Ai-Thinker ESP-12F(ESP8266MOD) LCSC C82891
2 LD1086DT33TR U1 TO-252-2 1 LD1086DT33TR ST LCSC C12051
3 IRF3205PBF Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 TO-220(TO-220-3) 4 IRF3205PBF IR LCSC C2561
4 PS2501-1-A U3,U4 DIP-4 2 CEL PS2501-1-A LCSC C110068
5 WJ45C-A-2P P1,P2 WJ45C-A-2P 2 WJ45C-A-2P ReliaPro LCSC C8398
6 Header-Male-2.54_1x4 P3 HDR-4X1/2.54 1 Headers  Pins 1*4P ReliaPro LCSC C59481
7 5x20 RHOS Fuse clip/seat U5,U6 5X20-BLX-A 2 5x20 RHOS Fuse clip/seat ReliaPro LCSC C3130
8 1.2MΩ R7,R8,R9,R10 0805 4 0805W8F1204T5E UniOhm LCSC C17380
9 240Ω R1,R2 0805 2 0805W8F2400T5E UniOhm LCSC C17572


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