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Update time: 2023-10-18 14:13:22
Creation time: 2023-07-24 09:30:35


I used atmega328p-au and A9G to design this gsm based  access control system. I exposed , SPI pins(MISO, MOSI,SCK, RESET,5V and GND). I also used PD5 as output for relay control. PD6 and PD7 are connected to RX and TX pins of the A9G


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ID Name Designator Footprint Quantity Manufacturer Part Manufacturer Supplier Contributor JLCPCB Part Class
1 22pf C1,C2 C0805 2 CC0805JRNPO9BN220 YAGEO(国巨) LCSC C105623 C_0805_EU
2 100nf C3,C4,C5,C6 C0805 4 0805B104M500 Walsin(华新科) LCSC C5204799 C_0805_EU
3 10uF C7 C0603 1 0603X106K100CT Walsin(华新科) LCSC C2840513 C_0603_EU
4 8.2pf C8 C0603 1 0603N8R2B500CT Walsin(华新科) LCSC C123599 C_0603_EU
5 1uf C9 C0603 1 0603B105K250CT Walsin(华新科) LCSC C388002 C_0603_EU
6 10uf C10 C0603 1 0603X106K100CT Walsin(华新科) LCSC C2840513 C_0603_EU
7 22uf C11 C0805 1 0805X226M100CT Walsin(华新科) LCSC C89572 C_0805_EU
8 SIM-01A CARD1 SIM-SMD_SIM-01A 1 SIM-01A 韩国韩荣 LCSC C99403 SIM-01A
9 U.FL-R-SMT-1(80) JP1,JP2 RF-SMD_FRF05002-JSS103M 2 U.FL-R-SMT-1(80) HRS(广濑) LCSC C88374 U.FL-R-SMT-1(80)
10 MPA-S-105-A(0.36W) K2 RELAY-TH_MEISHUO_MPA-S-1XX-A 1 MPA-S-105-A(0.36W) MEISHUO(美硕) LCSC C2886815 MPA-S-105-A(0.36W)
11 2.2uH L1 L0603 1 MLW1608RD-2R2MT Meled(美莱) LCSC C2885958 L0603_US
12 82nH L3 L0805 1 CH2012H82NJ(f) CEC(振华) LCSC C316285 CH2012H82NJ(F)
13 LED-0603_R LED1,LED2 LED0603_RED 2 19-217/R6C-AL1M2VY/3T EVERLIGHT(台湾亿光) LCSC C72044 LED-0603_R
14 LED-0603_G LED3 LED0603_GREEN 1 19-217/GHC-YR1S2/3T EVERLIGHT(台湾亿光) LCSC C72043 LED-0603_G
15 2N3904(SOT-23) Q1 SOT-23-3_L2.9-W1.3-P1.90-LS2.4-TR 1 2n3904S-RTK/PS KEC LCSC C18536 2N3904(SOT-23) SOT-23
16 1k R1,R3,R4 R0603 3 0603WAF1001T5E UNI-ROYAL(厚声) LCSC C21190 R_0603_EU
17 56K R2 R0603 1 RS-03K563JT FH(风华) LCSC C86985 R_0603_EU
18 330kΩ R5 R0805 1 RK73H2ATTD3303F KOA LCSC C276226 RK73H2ATTD3303F
19 TS-1095TS-B2C2-D1 SW3,SW4 KEY-SMD_4P-L6.0-W6.0-P4.50-LS8.5 2 TS-1102S-B-H-B XKB Connectivity(中国星坤) LCSC C480275 TS-1095TS-B2C2-D1
20 ATMEGA328P-AU U1 TQFP-32_L7.0-W7.0-P0.80-LS9.0-BL 1 ATMEGA328P-AU MICROCHIP(美国微芯) LCSC C14877 ATMEGA328P-AU
21 A9G U2 GSM-SMD_A9-GSM-GPRSMODULE 1 A9G Ai-Thinker(安信可) LCSC C133738 A9G
22 SY8089E1AAC U3 SOT-23-5_L3.0-W1.7-P0.95-LS2.8-BR 1 SY8089E1AAC silergy(矽力杰) LCSC C7427425 SY8089E1AAC
23 KF301-5.0-2P U4,U7 CONN-TH_P5.00_KF301-5.0-2P 2 KF301-5.0-2P KEFA(科发) LCSC C474881 KF301-5.0-2P
24 HB-PH8-25423PB2GOP U5 HDR-TH_6P-P2.54-V-M-R2-C3-S2.54 1 HB-PH8-25423PB2GOP HANBO(汉博) LCSC C6332206 HB-PH8-25423PB2GOP
25 NCP1117DT50RKG U6 TO-252-2_L6.6-W6.1-P4.57-LS9.9-TL-CW 1 NCP1117DT50RKG onsemi(安森美) LCSC C152470 NCP1117DT50RKG
26 16MHz X1 HC-49-SMD_L12.0-W4.8 1 XJHCCLNANF-16.000000MHZ TAITIEN(泰艺电子) LCSC C521725 XJHCCLNANF-16.000000MHZ


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