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PRO 3D printer control board SKR MINI E3V2_Lite version

3D printer control board SKR MINI E3V2_Lite version

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GPL 3.0

License: GPL 3.0



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Update time: 2023-10-12 01:14:41
Creation time: 2023-08-28 10:09:00


Copyright belongs to @xiao5333
This project follows the open source agreement, the original project link: BIGTREETECH-SKR-mini-E3
The schematic diagram of the original project E3V2 is as follows:
The modified schematic diagram is as follows:
Modification description of this project:
  1. Change the motherboard integrated TMC2209 driver chip to the module row interface;
2.Simplify the power supply and change it to a single power supply, using SGM6132 to output 3A current, which can directly supply power to the Raspberry Pi;
3.The SPI interface of the TF card leads to the connection of the ADXL3445 three-axis accelerometer;
4.Lead out the BOOT0 pin;
5.Modify the MOSFET gate pull-down resistor position;
6.Modify the PCB size to adapt to the Voron V0.1 structure, which can be directly assembled behind the Z-axis.
Due to the professional version of EDA design, it does not support direct display of project drawings and BOM at present, and it needs to be supported after version 1.6.
Schematic PDF documents, pattern-making Gerber files, and BOM are provided in the attachments for download.
Use existing MOSFETs, please replace them as needed.
Except for the functions of RGB light and TF card, this project has not been verified, and other functions have been verified by using the actual installation of klipper firmware.
It is theoretically possible to install Marlin firmware but not verified.
Klipper firmware provides attachment download
Marlin firmware link https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Configurations/
Note: Please use TMC2209 stepper motor driver module! ! !
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