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PRO Simulated mouse and keyboard based on CH9329.
Original website for this project is:https://oshwhub.com/nkme01
CH9329 is an IC designed for simulating mouse and keyboard functions, capable of communication through a serial port. It features low cost and simple operation.
And this project takes advantage of this feature to simulate a mouse and keyboard set that can change PID and VID.
So, without further ado, let's take a look at the results.
The front micro switch here is used to restore factory settings, and the back J5 is used to reset the chip.
This was designed using a 4-layer PCB, but after completion, I found that the 4 jumpers were entirely unnecessary; they can be configured in the software.
You can find the testing videos below: 1, 2 (2 is inside the compressed folder), and the required software is also included in the compressed folder.
The principle is very simple: a CH340 converts USB to serial, then sends it to CH9329 for mouse clicks or keyboard inputs. Therefore, this chip is generally used for automation control or external control testing.
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